Part 26: Blush

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Jimin had been cleaning the bathroom for what seemed like forever to Yoongi so he decided to go check up on him incase Jimin had over done himself, getting over a illness.

"Jimin-ah?" Yoongi said knocking on the closed door.

Jiminie slowly opened the doors hiding his face behind the frame.

"You okay you've been up here for a while?" Yoongi said entering the bathroom, amazed by how clean it was.

"Yeh just cleanin." Jimin said back quietly.

Yoongi said in amazement "You've done great in here, now we need to get the rest of the place up to this standard."

He swiped his finger across the sink mimicking cheesy old inspectors from films getting a small laugh from Jimin who was still stood behind the door.

"You gonna come out from there or are you gonna stay there forever?"

Jimin responded "I didn't realise." Then let out a forced laugh stepping out from the door frame running out of the bath room.

Yoongi thought to himself 'Do you think he realised I saw him naked? Of course he realised idiot. Ugh how am I supposed to clean this mess up, people messes are harder to deal with than actual messes which Jimin just proves I'm here.' Then stepping out of the room.

"Jimin can you come here a second please I'd like to talk to you!" Yoongi shouted not sure as to where Jimin would be.

Jimin then emerged from the kitchen holding some washing powder clearly about to clean the dirty clothes.

"What's up hyung..." Jimin said quietly, a noticeable shade of red.

"I'm going to be blunt with you if that's okay?" Yoongi asked getting a nod from Jimin who was walking back into the kitchen as Yoongi approached.

"I saw you naked yesterday when you fell, both times. I'm sorry for the invasion of privacy I just needed to know you were okay, which you weren't." Yoongi said looking down at the floor.

Jimin replied quickly saying "N-no hyung. It's fine, really. Thank you for helping me out I'm sorry that you had too to begin with."

They were both now blushing facing each other with attention surrounding them.

"If it makes you feel any better I've seen Hoseok naked hundreds of times." Yoongi said not really thinking getting a surprised look from Jimin.

"N-not that it was anything. More like h-he likes to walk around in the nude and it was his house so I didn't see any reason stopping him... it's not like I had any feelings towards him like I do you but it doesn't really matter either way I've seen people naked before and it's nothing to be awkward about. I say being stupidly awkward about it. I'm sorry that really didn't help at all did it." Yoongi said face palming at his ramble to try and break tension.

"Your cute hyung. And I'll pretend not to know that you've seen Hoseok naked on MULTIPLE occasions and just take that you said you have feelings for me from that little ramble." Jimin said teasingly, all awkwardness being lost due to Yoongi's extreme awkwardness in attempts to fix it.

"Thank you Jiminie, please don't tell Hoseok I said that otherwise I'll never here the end of it and I'm pretty sure he'll start giving me lessons on being cool again like from back in highschool." Yoongi said face palming.

"You had lessons on being cool?" Jimin asked slightly shocked by Yoongi's confession.

"Yep I'm an awkward person, I may have had swag but when it came to impressing people I was a mess so he literally gave me lessons on being cool."

"What would happen in your lessons?" Jimin asked genuinely curious about the elders past.

"Well one of the lessons was the difference between swag and cool and another was about how three dollar chains weren't cool... actually there were multiple lessons on that because I liked them and wouldn't ditch them." Yoongi confessed smiling at his memories of Hoseok's countless facepalms.

"I think you would have looked cute." Jimin said smiling at Yoongi widely earning a smile back.

Yoongi smoothly responded "If someone would have said that back then I would've been offended but if it was you I don't think I'd have minded." Causing Jimin to blush again.

"I still got it." Yoongi said teasingly.

"It's either that or I just like you that much anything you say makes me blush." Jimin said defensively.

"Well if you like me that much you must think I'm cool Jiminie. Just admit it those classes worked." Yoongi teased further sticking his tongue out.

"Why am I the only one blushing here?" Jimin said now more stubborn letting a toy pout appear on his lips.

"Because I'm too cool for that." Yoongi said back smirking.

"Wanna bet?" Jimin said smiling.

"Sure." Yoongi said cockily in response.

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