Part 39: Holidays

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The holiday time was coming up and Yoongi and Jimin were preparing to spend their third Christmas together.

This Christmas was especially special as Yoongi was taking Jimin to a surprise location to spend the holidays as he had two very special announcements.

It was Christmas eve and they had just arrived in the Vila which they were staying at off in the mountains.

Jimin was shocked at the expensive Vila that Yoongi had booked out but he had agreed before leaving that he wouldn't question it.

Yoongi was going to reveal one surprise tonight and one tomorrow so Jimin hoped one surprise would explain the classy holiday.

They unpacked and settled in and were lay in the living room cuddling when Yoongi spoke up.

"Are you ready for the first surprise?" Yoongi asked happily which caused Jimin to nod in excitement.

He liked to see his hyung, the man he loved, smile. It was like a drug to him.

"Me, Namjoon and Jin... HAVE OPENED OUR OWN MUSIC COMPANY!" Yoongi said not even bothering with a build up because he was so excited.

Jimin's face lit up realizing that his boyfriend had achieved his dream goal instantly hugging Yoongi with tears of happiness in his eyes for his lover and hyung.

"Hoseok, Tae and Kook both have job's too. We have a full business building around us with music and dance and it's actually working Jiminie, we're actually doing it." Yoongi said tears rolling from his eyes.

"I am so unbelievably happy for you, this is all I could ever want for you. You deserve this, you have worked so much for this moment hyung. I love you and i'm so proud." Jimin said tightly hugging his man.

"We have a job position open if you want it..." Yoongi said which caused Jimin to pull away from the hug slightly to his face.

"Well you have been saying ever since Hoseok left where you both worked that you missed him and teaching dance wasn't the same. Well the truth is he quit to help build the company teaching dance and well now we are secure and earning profits we can tell you and well... We want you to be a bigger part of this than you already are... If i'm honest I couldn't have come this far without you..." Yoongi said crying his heart out in joy.

"I'd love to hyung, work has been so stressful and I wanted to quit so why not work with the 6 people I love most." Jimin said crying back.

This was a commitment and both of them were more than ready.

If this was the first surprise Jimin couldn't wait for the second, he felt butterflies in his stomach as he momentarily though that Yoongi would propose...

The next day came and it was Christmas.

Jimin and Yoongi kissed under the mistletoe and all that cute lovey dovey stuff but Yoongi wanted to skip to the point and wanted to rush to his next surprise feeling like he waited long enough.

They opened their presents and they kissed multiple times, getting slightly distracted one or two times in a make out session.

Eventually there was only one present left and it had Jimin's name on it so Yoongi handed it to the younger.

"This is your surprise Jiminie." Yoongi said holding one of Jimin's hands.

Jimin opened the present in one hand and revealed Jimin's favorite teddy in a special my little pony shirt and cute red dungaree bottoms.

"Yes! He finally has some red pants. This is amazing hyung thank you." Jimin said genuinely excited over his teddies pants.

"Stupid." Yoongi said pouting slightly which made Jimin look back to see what he had missed.

He looked down and noticed the back pack that the teddy had on which appeared to be stuffed.

Jimin tilted his head feeling stupid in fear he opened it and it was empty and he still missed what he was looking for.

He opened it.

In the back pack was a ring box which he pulled out placing the teddy on the chair next to him as he held onto it.

His heart was beating significantly fast especially when Yoongi leant in front of him on one knee.

This all just had to be a coincident right? A ring box and the love of his life on one knee in front of him could possibly be a engagement right?

"Jiminie..." Yoongi said holding one of Jimin's hands and looking up into his eyes.

"I love you." Yoongi said his breath hitching as he spoke trying to hold back tears and to remain calm.

Those three words hit Jimin instantly as they were filled with such emotion causing the younger to tear up just at hearing that.

"Yahh don't cry already otherwise I'll cry pabo..." Yoongi said looking down momentarily to loon straight back up.

"Park Jimin. I-I love you... I have loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you... I have loved you every moment of every day since you entered my life to buy a limited edition my little pony shirt for your sweet sweet teddy bear which I love as well. I love your hugs, your kisses, your caring nature and most importantly you. You have made me feel emotions I never knew I could feel. I once feared being alone forever until I met you. You saved me when I nearly had no home because I didn't want to burden Hoseok any longer, you confided in me and let me be there for you as you have been for me. You've been perfect because you've been you. Little and big. I love every aspect of you and I could die happy knowing that I spent my life with you. I don't think I'd be me without you as you are a part of me that I can never let go. Your family were cruel and you deserved the world and that's what I want to give you. I wanted to be the part of your life that fixed all the bad but in the end you eliminated all bad from my life. I love you and I want the world to know my love is yours unconditionally... and hopefully your love mine... I want to protect you and love you constantly even if their seems to be no love in the world. Park Jimin. Will you make a hopeless man happy. Will you marry me?" Yoongi said.

He could've kept going but the tear he was fighting back got the best of him and began to fall from his eyes.

"Y-y-yesssss!!!" Jimin said throwing his arms around Yoongi's neck covering him in kisses.

"I love you so much hyung you are the best thing to happen to me. I love you. I love you. I love you." Jimin said kissing all over Yoongi's face tear falling from his own.

"Your not going to look at the ring?" Yoongi asked smiling excessively.

Jimin opened the box to find a silver ring with a simple teddy carved into it and the word baby engraved on the inside with a matching ring with daddy next to it.

"It's beautiful hyung." Jimin said eyes bright and tears still falling.

They both placed he rings on the others hands and cried in each others embrace tears of joy.

"Mr Min Jimin." Jimin said before giggling.

"That's a double min." Yoongi said back giggling as well with the younger.

"I love you." Jimin said kissing Yoongi again.

"I love you too." Yoongi said back smiling proudly.

They kissed again but this kiss developed beyond PG13 clearly not waiting till marriage.

Neither of them could be happier or more excited - take that how you want.

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