Part 2: Dance studio

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"Jimin~ Jimin, Jimin, Jimin~" Hoseok sang as his co-worker walked into the dance studio.

Both me wore the same uniform, only Jimin wore a over-sized hoodie with his which had the companies logo on.

"Hi?" Jimin said quietly, confused at his co-workers sudden interest towards him.

"I've... Um...Well I noticed that you haven't been bringing sweets to work with you recently... So I guess I was curious as to why?" Hoseok said thinking about what to say, forgetting he didn't know much about his coworker other than him being super quiet.

"I'm saving up right now so... so don't want to spend money on sweets." Jimin replied shyly not looking up from his hands which were playing with his jumper paws when talking.

"Well when you have a chance you should go by it, they have some new sweets in stock that are really nice." Hoseok responded before running over to his bag getting his drink out.

Not long after that the lesson started.

Hoseok being the stricter teacher and Jimin being the calmer, they worked well as a team even though they didn't talk much other than saying what the choreography was that they were going to teach the students once every two or three months.

Hoseok was the type of teacher who was kind and funny but could also be strict with the student to keep pushing them to learn.

Where as Jimin had a younger attitude relating to the children and knowing how they felt with the pressure on them, so the children viewed him more as a friend they looked up too than a bossy teacher.

Today was pay day for both of the workers so after lessons finished and all the kids left they went to their bosses office to get their pay for the month, both leaving after that with the only thing they said to each other being "Bye."

Both of them heading their separate ways.

Hoseok heading home and Jimin to the shopping center that was closing in two hours.

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