Aim & Kongpob

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My ghost friend

(Soulmate The Series AU)

Aim and Kongpob are friends since childhood but unfortunately, Kongpob is dead on the way to the university. He died because of the accident with a car and he died on the day of they should moved to their university dorm.

That day is the worst day for Aim. It's not just that he is nervous to enter the university and meet new people but his chidlhood friend is not there. The day he got a call from Kongpob's parent broke him there. Thankfully his parent are there to calm him down.

His parent know how Aim and Kongpob is the best friend ever. and no one can separate or ruin their friendship.

Now that Aim in the cheer hall, listening the head hazer yelling something about gear for engineering. Honestly, he don't have the excitement or any energy left to continue study there. He feels like to give up all of this. But suddenly, he heard Kongpob's voice. He turn around.

'you should focus to your senior Aim'

" that you?

'focus to your senior. i will talk to you later okay. promise me or i won't talk to you anymore.'

"Okay Kong."

With that, Aim smiling focusing of what his senior talking about. And somehow he got a new friend. Oak, Tew and Wad.

Now the hazing are finish he bid goodbye to his friend and walk to buy dinner and goes to his room.

Aim enter key and twist the knob. He enter the room and closed the door. He turn around and call his friend.

"Kong...are you still there?"

'Yes...i am here. i;m happy you keep your promise Aim.'

"Kong i'm your friend of course i will keep my promise. So...why i can hear you talking to me? Isn't you died already?"

'i don't know Aim. maybe because i can't leave my shy and quiet friend? at least not now. not until you can be confident on yourself.'

" i'm happy i still can talk to you. Even you still not here anymore."

Aim is now crying. Kongpob can take it and make himself visible in front of his friend.

'Aim look up.'

Aim look up and see his friend is now in front of him like he still alive. Aim walk nearer to ghost Kongpob and hug him. Aim cry harder and Kongpob rub his back to calm him.

'don't cry my friend. i always here for you.'

"Promise me you not leaving me so suddenly?" Aim ask

'i promise you Aim'

Deep inside Kongpob, he know he is going to broke his promise again. He is there for a reason. He know his friend will cry himself until he asleep.


It is 3 months after Kongpob appear as a ghost to Aim. Kongpob  sit in Aim's room. He is waiting and waiting but Aim is still not coming back yet.

The door open and Kongpob smile seeing his friend is back. But the smile turn to frown when he see Aim change his clothes and going out again.

'Aim...? where are you going?'

"Sorry Kongpob. My friends ask me to goes to pub. I'll be back."

With that. Kongpob is alone again. He smile to see his friend is already moving on from his sadness over him.

'i'm happy you already can smile without me. i see you already not sad over me. goodbye Aim my friend. i hope we meet in another life.'

Kongpob put a letter he write to Aim and vanish from Aim's room. He left without saying anything to Aim.

The clock showing past midnight. Aim enter his room to see Kongpob is not there. Aim start to panic. He start to cry. He know lately he is not talking much with Kongpob because he is busy. He yelling Kongpob's name.

He sit on the floor when he know Kongpob is not going to appear in front of him again. He get up to sit on his chair. He see a letter and read it.


After you read this letter, it's means i no longer a ghost to you. i already gone. I'm sorry to break my promise again. But the reason i stay with you is because i can't leave you alone crying over my dead. And because i see you happy with your friends now. I decided to go. My mission on complete with you happy with your friend. Until we meet again and i'm sorry. I now you will be crying now. But you have other friends. Other than me.

From you friend.


Aim start to cry even more. He cry himself to sleep. The next morning, he feels tired but he decided to move one from the sadness. He don't want Kongpob's decision going waste.

Aim look up to the sky and smile.

"Until we meet again, my friend Kongpob.


So how is this story....i am sorry i update this book sooooo late. I hope this story make you cry...hehe.

This idea is from 'SOULMATE THE SERIES'. This series is BL series but unfortunately their company decided to cancel the airing. Because they don't have enough money. But the series did have many fans. Even from international. Sadly it's not going to air. You can find the trailer of this series though. It's on youtube.

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