Prem & Wad

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Wad had confessed his feelings to Prem. But Prem at the time doesn't know his feelings to Wad. So he ask Wad to wait for him. If someday Prem confess to him and Wad still feels the same then the two agree to become a couple.

That was what Wad and Prem promise. And that is 3 years ago when they still in high school. Now, Wad in 1st year of university.

Wad still feels the same to Prem. He still love Prem. But he is more than ready to move on if Prem doesn't love him after all this year.

Wad is in the cheer hall for sotus. There, he meet Kongpob, Tew, Oak, and Aim. He smiles hearing his new friends talk.

Suddenly, the door open to be reveal seniors in maroon uniform. All line up while walking with a stern face.

Wad gasp when he see a familiar face. That is Prem. His first love. He just smile.


After 3 years leaving Wad, he is sure his feeling for the junior now. He walk into the cheer hall when the other give a cue to walk in.

When he stand on the stage, his heart beat. He is there. Wad is there. He nearly smile seeing the face of his love.

Bright nudge Prem for making faces.

"Why? "


"There must be something. Tell me later." Bright said

The hazing ended late. He has a bit headache seeing 0062 with Arthit. But he don't want to know and he don't care.

He walk to the cafe. But his feet stop when he see the face he love. Wad is there eating his dinner alone.

He walk to Wad and sit in front of him.

"Wadee...nong Wad. Long time no see."

Wad startle when Prem greet him. He is not ready for a rejection and this is his first day.

"Sawadee... P'Prem. Yeah good to see you."


"How are you? " Prem ask

"I'm fine P."

Silent again.

"I have something to tell you. " Prem start to talk.

Wad nervous. This is the moment of his fate and destiny.

"For all this 3 years, we not seeing each other. I realize something."

Wad is 100% sure he is going to be reject.

"Your cute face, your smile, or whatever you does is always in my mind. Every night I dream of you. I crave for your love. So after 3 years I want to said, I LOVE YOU."

Wad startle with what Prem said. He can feels his tears run down to his cheeks.

Prem smile and wipe his tears and said, "So do you feel the same after 3 years? "

Wad nodded. He feels happy. His pray and his hope is pay after 3 years. He can't even talk. He feels so happy.

"I'm sorry you have to wait for me. Let's fly together adventuring our new relationship." Prem said.

"Don't said that P. The waiting is enough to make me fall for you hard."

"Cheesy." Prem said while pinching Wad's nose. Wad giggle.

The two are laughing while eats their dinner together. They should tell this secret to their friends but it can wait later. But for now, Prem and Wad want to treasure their calm sweet relationship before it's being destroy by noisy Toota and Bright.


The song I choose to make this story is Jr(Nu'est) - With. This song basically tells how Jr has to make his fans wait for him. As someone may know he enter the show PRODUCE101. And now he is back to them, he want to be with his fans to the moon and star.

The link for the video is . The video I include in this wattpad is only fancam.

That's why the story being written is Wad is waiting for Prem to be with him. And when Prem does confess they will be forever.

Such a beautiful song. And happy reading guys.

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