Knot & Tew

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The one cure his trauma

(Takumi Kun AU)

Tew just finish moving his things to his dorm room. While he unpacking, he didn't notice the man beside his bed. To focus that he forgets about his surrounding. The man just smiles. he gets up and puts his hand on Tew's shoulder. This shocked Tew. 

He flinched and slap away the hand on his shoulder. The memory that he kept locked away comes to his mind. The man shock with Tew reaction apologize.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Did you hurt? My name is Knot."

"N-no. I'm sorry. It's my fault that I slap your hand. I'm okay. my name is Tew."

"What a cute name for a cute boy like you." Knot smirk at the smaller guy.

"W-what?" tew stutter

"Anyway, do you want my help to unpack your luggage?" Knot asks pushing aside his teasing

"Yes thank you." Tew smile.


The next day is the orientation day, the activity that Tew despised the most because he has to be with all the wolf a.k.a men. But, if he didn't go, his point for this semester will be deducted. Lowering his head he goes to the main hall. This action didn't go unnoticed to a certain someone who is looking with a worried face.

The orientation consists of senior's lectures about their university, the introduction of the student council members, and the speech from the chancellor. The basic things that many universities do on the first day of orientation.

The second day, Tew still can bare it. It is because the student council members decided to give the juniors a tour around their big university so that they don't lose. Thankfully, it ended well for Tew.

On the third day, is the most dreaded day for Tew. It's because the juniors will be divided into groups and they will be playing a treasure hunting to remember the places in the university the toured yesterday. Tew paled. Surely, while playing there will be some touch here and there and Tew did not want that happen. He is afraid. He is almost faint.

Knot watched Tew for these three days. He notices something wrong about Tew. He just couldn't figure it out what is weird about Tew. He talked to the student council members and pull Tew away from his group. Tew is shocked.


"Tew did you have a problem?" Knot asked

"N-no. I did not." Tew lied and his eyes look away

"Tew look into my eyes and answer me. Don't think about lying to me"

"I-i I you see, I have Haphephobia. I am afraid of someone touch." Tew explains


"It started when I was young. I was just getting from school. I notice my brother's shoes. So, I run to his room excitedly. T-t-the moment I enter, h-he almost r-r-rape me." Tew cry

"That's why you slapped my hand the other day?" Knot asked


"It's okay. I understand. You don't have to explain. You don't have to join this treasure hunting game." Knot said

"Huh? B-b-but m-my point?" Tew stutter

"It's okay you will be under special case because of sickness." Knot said

"B-but the other seniors will be mad..." Tew answer

"Don't worry. I'm the president of the student council." Knot said

Tew widens his eyes and speechless. This easy-going of his roommate is the president. He even slaps his hand away.

"Your not mad are you?" Knot asked

"N-no. just shock."


After the orientation day, Knot tries his best to cure his 'sickness' but fails. This makes the two sad. Tew already feels comfortable with Knot but it seems his 'sickness' didn't think the same as him. Knot tries to find a different method to cure Tew.

While Tew his way to his dorm room, he was grabbed by someone. When he looks at who is it, he was shocked. They are friends of Knot's fan club and also Tew's secret admirers. The two clubs join forces to separate the two and they think it's working when the reality is not.

"W-what are you doing?" Tew asks afraid.

"Oh, Tew. You are so beautiful. We just want to have some funs. We are your fans." one of the guys said

"What fun? I don't want this." Tew start to yell

"Now, now. Please be quiet."

"N-no, no. Stay away." Tew yell afraid.

They tied Tew's both hands and legs. Tew already crying, he is hoping for Knot to come and save him. Their hands start to touch Tew's body and the memories from his childhood come to him. HE couldn't even struggle with his hands and legs tied. He just cries. 

Suddenly, the door was kicked. The door opened to reveal the student council members lead by the president himself, Knot. Looking at the appearances of Tew, he went red. Thankfully his vice-president hold his hand before he kills the students

"Don't. Tew is needed you." the vice president said

Knot nodded his head and release Tew's hands and legs. He hugs Tew. But Tew still not in his sane mind trash around. After a few minutes, he exhausting his body and fell asleep. Knot carry Tew to their room. Leaving to his vice president to deal with those bastards.


Tew wakes up with a yell and this alert Know. He went beside Tew and tries to hold his hand.

"'s me Knot." Knot said in a soft voice

"N-no. You're not."

"Tew open your eyes and feels my hand."Knot said again

Tew tries to find Knot's hand and feel it. 

'This is the hand that wants to save him.' Tew thought

He opens his eyes to see Knot looking at him with calm eyes and a soft smile. Tew cry and hug Knot,

"P'Knot. You save me." 

"Yes. I save you...look you're hugging me now." Knot said with a smile.

Tew jerk away hearing this. He looks Knot eyes and tries to touch Knot. What he feels is comfortable feeling and safeness. He hugs Knot.

"P'Knot. I can touch you."Tew cried

Knot smile.

The end.

Extra scene.

The vice president, which is Arthit tries to touch Tew. But his hand was slapped by Tew. From this action, everyone knew that Knot is the only one who can touch Tew, and the one who cures his trauma maybe will be a couple someday. Who knows. ^_^

Almost forget, Tew's secret admires 'club' and Knot's fanclub were punished severly with direct order from Knot.

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