Arthit & Kongpob

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My lover is a mafia

Request from 12312k

Kongpob is a high school teacher. Kongpob is a single and oblivious 24 years old young man. He believe that there is no one love him. When actually he is pretty popular in the school with the teachers.

Kongpob is chasing after Day. Because Day refuse to come to his class. He know that Day is the boss mafia's son. But Kongpob doesn't care at all. He believes that all student should receive same treatment.

"Mr. Kongpob, please don't be hard on Day. Today his father will come to this school." said the head teacher afraid and nervous.

'Mafia boss? I don't care.' Kongpob thought.

"Day. You follow me."

Kongpob than pull Day's ear and take him to his class. Unknown to him the boss of the mafia sees him. The head teacher watch in scared and nervous.

The night has come but Kongpob still in teacher's room doing some preparation for tomorrow. Suddenly, his phonr is ringing. He pick his phone only to see the leader of the mafia call him. He can feel the nervousness for the man.


"Mr. Kongpob, this is Day's father. I just want to say thank you for taking care my son."

"Oh...Sir Arthit. It's okay. I believe that all student should receive the same teaching.... I-i'm sorry if you're mad with the way I treat your son. And where did you get my number?"

"Oh no. I am happy you not giving him special treatment. Today, I go to the school and I see you and my son. After that I ask your number from the other teacher."

"O-oh. Really? You not mad?"

"Yes. By the way, can you turn around."

"Why?" Kongpob asked but he still turn around.

He feels like he get a heart attack by the sudden appearance of the mafia leader.

"You here?"

"Yeah. I was walking around here when I called you. I decided to stop by to see you when I see the light are still on."

"Oh..." Kongpob's face blush. The man in front him is too much for his heart.

"Since i'm here, let's go eat together."

"Okay..." Kongpob tidy up his things and walk to the door.

Kongpob walk beside Arthit. His heart beat faster. He can feel Arthit's hand is just a little above from his hips. Arthit rest his hand on Kongpob's waist.

Arthit has brought Kongpob to an expensive restaurant. Kongpob's heart beat faster. The way Arthit sit in front of him is too handsome for his heart. Kongpob can't look to Arthit's eyes. While Arthit smile looking at the cute Kongpob.

"Did you always wearing glasses?"

"Yeah... It'll trouble me if i'm not wearing it..."

"Hmm...can you take off your glasses?"

"Why?" Kongpob but he still take off his glasses

Arthit stare in awe...

"It did will give me a lot of trouble..." he whisper

"Did you say anything?" Kongpob ask

"No. Nothing."

They eat in silent with Arthit looking to Kongpob when some woman approach Arthit. Kongpob's heart hurt looking at the way the woman touching Arthit.

"So you bring a man as a partner tonight. What a surprise." The woman said

"He is for tonight." Arthit smile

"If you are done with him go with me. We can have some 'fun' after this." the woman said before she left.

"I think i'm done. I have to go back." Kongpob stand up than leave.

"Really? Okay than, see you next time."

Arthit smile looking at Kongpob. The mafia leader know that the other was jealous but he continue with his plan.

The next day, Kongpob work late again and Arthit come to meet him. It is 10.00 P.M and he is all alone at the school.

Suddenly, the power broke down. Kongpob is so startle that he start to cry. He sit on the floor, under the table while hugging his leg, crying.

On the other hand, Arthit walk to where Kongpob is. He smile that Kongpob is there crying. He hug the crying guy.

Kongpob hug Arthit knowing he is not alone at the school. He hug the man until he fall asleep.

Arthit smile and carry Kongpob bridal style.


The whole school are shock to see Kongpob and Day go to school together. From afar they can see how Kongpob and the mafia leader act lovey dovey.

"P'Arthit...stop it. It's embarrassing."

"Kongpob. I am your boyfriend. What is there to embarass?"

"It's just we only become a couple less than 12 hours. I never have a relationship. I was always single. So I am shy." Kongpob said while blushing.

Day just stand beside the couple silently since he is there when the electric power off and his father confess to his teacher.

While Arthit laugh at the cute Kongpob.

"Okay...we can continue later right?"Arthit whisper the rest of his sentences to Kongpob.

Kongpob blush more hearing what his lover said.



Arthit brought the sleeping Kongpob to his house. Beside the two is Day, Arthit's son.

" you think mr. Kongpob will accept you?"

"He will." Arthit smile looking at Kongpob.

A few minutes later, Kongpob open his eyes to unfamiliar room. He sit up and find the roses on the floor making a word 'i love you'. Kongpob confuse as to who confess to him.

Just then the door open reveal Arthit. The handsome mafia leader which Kongpob fall for the first time he see the man.

"Is this roses from you?"

"Yes. It's from me. So?" Arthit ask

Kongpob nodded with a blush. Arthit smile and hug the guy. Unknown to Kongpob that the electric power off was his and Day plan to make Kongpob his.

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