Tew & Day

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My handsome bodyguard.

SOTUS University is where all rich kids goes to study. This university have hazing activities for every faculty. It teaches these rich kids things like seniority, order, tradition, unity and spirit. So none of the student will act cocky or spoil brat.

And 100% of the student have their own bodyguard. Except for one. Knot the head hazer of engineering faculty. He is the only student who doesn't have the bodyguard. It simply because he can protect himself. With that muscular body sure he can.

This is Day's first day as freshmen of this university. Day is a son of Sutthilack Corporation's CEO. Yes. His father is Kongpob and his mother is Arthit. His mother used to be his father's bodyguard. But now they are married and have him as their son. But his parent's story is for another story.

Day walk in to the cheer hall. This is the first day. There are no classes in the first day. He sit in the middle of thousand students.

He turn around and notice some thing weird. All students' attention are on the back. When be turn his head, he grown in jealousy. His handsome bodyguard get attention again.

The students attention change to somewhere else and when they hear someone talking with a microphone. There it is. The only student who don't have a bodyguard. And he is a senior too.

Day feels relief that Tew is not the center of the attention.

At 4PM, the hazing is finish. He walk out with his bodyguard. He walk to the dorms' cafe. Once again, all the girls are ogling his bodyguard.

He pull his bodygaurd and said,  "P'Tew. Stop being handsome. Your handsomeness is only for me."

"Au...my cute master is jealous." Tee said

Day glare to his bodyguard.

"Don't worry. My attention is only for you. My handsomeness is for you. After all, I'm your boyfriend right? " Tew said while cares his cheeks.

Day's heartbeat almost stop seeing his handsome bodyguard.

"Promise? If you dare to cheat on me I'll report you to mom. Let him punish you severely." Day said in a cute pout face.

Tew smile fondly and said,  "I promise. I don't dare to cheat on you. Your parent are scary. And moreover, P'Arthit whose is my senior is your mother too.  You know how hard to get the bless from your mother. And your father is scary."

"Good you know my family is scary." Day said.

"Oh! Before I forgot, your father want to have a dinner with you at home." Tew said

"So... What are we doing here at the cafe?" Day ask.

Tew shrug, "I don't know. I just follow you Master Day."

Day sigh, "I feels stupid right now. It is because of the damn jealousy."

"Let's just buy pink milk. For you and your mother."

"Okay. I love you my handsome bodyguard." Day said smiling happily after hear the word pink milk.

Tew chuckle and said, "You are really the same as you mother. Pink milk is a must for you."

"Of course, I'm his son after all. And you still doesn't answer my confession. "

Tew smile, "I love you too and will always love you forever Day."

Day blush at his bodyguard's word.


How is this story?  I hope you guys love this. Oh and I may write kongpob and Arthit version of this story. Tomorrow I have one whole free day. So, I might Day's parent story.

Happy reading guys.

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