Knot & Tew

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I want my daddy

Tew is in the class with all of his friends. The class starting to get bores. He open his phone only to find a cute stuffie on his instagram.

Appereantly, someone has post their favorite things they miss when the kids.

Tew can feels he slowly enter his little space.

"K-k-kong." Tew said with a little high pitch voice.

"What? You are little now?" Kong ask after hearing the voice.

"I want my daddy." the tears can be seen in Tew's eyes.

"can you wait a little Tew. I promise to bring you to your daddy. Please act Big. For 30 minutes. Okay?" Kongpob pleaded.

"Promise?" Tew ask


Their friends shock and nervous when they see Tew and Kongpob doing pinky promise. That pinky promise is only done when Tew is little.

All of them can see that Kongpob nodded to them like he know what are they thinking right now.

Kongpob quickly text to Knot.

'P...Tew is little right now.'

'What? Does he okay?'

'Yes. I just ask him to act big for 30 minutes more.'

'thanks Kongpob.'

The seniors is waiting the juniors at the canteen. Suddenly, Knot stand up.

They are frowning.

"Why? What happen?" Prem ask

"Tew is little right now.I need to wait outside their class."

"What!!! Let's go then" Arthit said.

All of them are now standing outside the classroom. Making the students inside afraid and nervous.

30 minutes later, the class finally over. They are waiting for all the student left. This is the rules they make for all of them if Tew is little.


The students left. The only one stay is Kongpob' group. With the three girls.

"Thanks Kongpob." Knot said.

All of the juniors wai the seniors when they heard they voice.

While Tew jump up and down. Smiling and giggling.

"Daddy... I miss you." Tew is pouting.

"I miss you too baby." Knot said with pinching his nose.

That action only make the little let a giggle. The others start to cooing Tew. Pushing Knot aside.

"No~ I want my daddy." Tew said.

He is sad seeing his daddy being pushed aside.

"Okay guys stop. Little Tew will cry. He want his daddy now." Arthit the head hazer stop them.

All of them then stop.

"Baby...stop crying okay? Let's go back. You can have your paci...stuffie and your favorite blanket. And milk as a reward for doing a good job at the class earlier." Knot said.

The little lit up hearing all of the things his daddy said. He is happy that he get a reward for acting like a good big.

"I love daddy. Piggy~" Tew ask.

Knot chuckle a little.

"Anything for you baby."

Knot and Tew goes back their room leaving their friends behind.

"Well...let's go eat." Prem said.

"Yeah." Toota said.

Arthit and Kongpob holding hands with the teasing from their friends to the canteen for having a lunch. Since it's their last class for the day.


Once they inside the room. Knot quickly put the paci into Tew's mouth and give him all his favorite item.

Tew happily grab the stuffies and the blanket and lay down on the bed.

With the paci in his mouth, his eyes follow everywhere Knot go. Arranging his things and Tew's thing. Make a baby food. Make a baby milk.

"Baby...let's eat your food okay. Then you can have your milk and your nap." Knot said.

"daddy feed. Daddy feed" Tew said between the paci in his mouth.

"Okay baby." Knot said while pull out the paci.

Knot feed the little. The feeding take a lot of time. Knot rub the little back after done eating.

"Here your milk and just sleep okay." Knot said and get up

"No... I don't wan." Tew said not happy.

"What's wrong baby?" Knot said a bit worry

Tew never throw a tantrum to him. This is the first.

"Missing..." tew said

"What is missing? You have everything here." Knot ask confused.

"Daddy. I don't have daddy. I want daddy. Cuddle~" Tew said with a giggle.

"Oh baby. You are naughty." Knot said with a chuckle.

"Okay. Let's go. I'll cuddle with you baby." Knot said with a peck on the little fluffy cheek.

The little Tew only giggle with what his daddy action.

The two sleep while cuddling and smiling.


There is request from someone to ask me write about little space again. So here is Knot and Tew version of little space.

Thank you for reading this and sorry for that someone who request this. I push back your request to the 2nd book.

Happy fasting and reading guys.

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