Tay & Aim

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Love in the share house

Aim is a student and a part time worker. Working while studying is hard but he have to do it to survive. Aim came from a poor family, so in order to support his daily life he worked. Aim feels happy that he got full scholarship.

Recently, his rent room getting expensive making him unable to continue rent the room. Kongpob, aim friend suggest him to find a share house so he can split the rent with other tenant. And it is cheaper than his current rent room. Thinking Kongpob's idea is good, Aim decided to search in the internet.

Aim is on his way to the university, and that's when he bump into someone. Aim look up to find a handsome man. He look from up to down. ' okay. He need to stop.' Aim thought to himself

"Are you okay? What is your name?"

" I'm okay. I'm Aim."

"You're a freshman? Which faculty? I'm Tay na."

"Chai p. From faculty engineering."

"Then you my junior. Where are you going?"

"I' m going to office for an exception from going to club."

" Why?" Tay frown

"I have to work p. If i don't work, i don't have place to sleep. My rent are expensive. The owner raise the rent."

"Why don't you live with me. I have 1 more space for 1 person."

"Really p? Is you housemate okay with this?"

"They're okay. My housemate asked me to find the last person for the house."

"Then thank you p." Aim smile.

Tay smile watching the cute junior left. He is excited to see this lovely junior will be living with him.

Aim also smiling. 'That p'tay is handsome.' he thought

Tay walk to his friends.

"Hey, friends, i found our new housemate. Our junior."

"Good. Then we don't have to split tge rent unevenly." Arthit said.

"By the way, the junior you talking is kongpob's friend right?" Knot said

"Maybe? I don't know. Why?"

"Nothing. Just that kid is popular for being cute." Knot said with a teasing smile.

Tay ignore what his friends said but in his heart, a storm happening in the moment.

(Skip to Aim live with Tay)

Right now, Aim sleeping exhaust from his study and work. And miracally, Tay walk in to the living room. He smile fondly. He walk near Aim and cares the sleeping boy's cheeks.

'So soft.' he thought

His eyes dart from his lips slowly going up to his nose and lastly to his eyes. Suddenly, Aim's eyes open. His heart beat wildly. The time seems to stop for them. Slowly, Tay's face come near Aim's.  Just as their lips almost crush someone cough letting them to realize what they doing.

Arthit smirk, "just confess will you. We here suffer from your tension."

After he said that he walk away leaving the two boys blush.

Tay stare lovingly to Aim and smile "will you be my boyfriend nong Aim."

Aim nodded. He couldn't utter another word. He afraid he will say something that make him more shy. Tay smile and kiss Aim's lip.

"Don't forget to use protection okay." Bright said ruining the two lover's moment.

Tay reach the cushion and throw it to Bright. And Bright being Bright run away before the cushion can go near him. Tay shake his head. He look down and continue what he want to do to his boyfriend.


Hi my fellow readers. Thank you for your support and for those who want me to continue to write. Thank you so much.

I love you guys. And i hope you guys love this. Keep support me.

See you guys next update.

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