Kongpob & Arthit

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Surprise birthday party

Arthit never celebrate a birthday party. His parents thinks that it's not necessary. But Arthit not care much about it. He never upset over it.

His hazer's friends always give him a present but never actually celebrate it. But there is one person that is so eager to celebrate Arthit's birthday. That person is his boyfriend,  Kongpob

And today is the day. His birthday. Arthit walk to his room but suddenly someone grab his wrist. He look up to see only his friends.

He frown to his friends. What do they want? Can't they see that he is tired? He just want to take a bath and sleep.

When he try to take his hands, his friends warn him and just follow him. Even Bright is so serious about this.

Arthit being force to enter the car. His friends said they want to brought him to some restaurant. What? This is already past 9 PM. They usually don't eat dinner this late.

Arthit just sit in silent. He takes his phone and text to Kongpob. But to his surprise his boyfriend doesn't reply him. Why? Is he busy? Kongpob never miss his text and always reply him.

Now his mood is worsen. His friends force him and his boyfriend ignore him. On his birthday even more. What can get worse than this?

Arthit just turn his head to outside of the window. While his friends keep on talking in secret group chat with Kongpob in it.

Since Knot is driving, he try to focus on it and ignore the noisy group. Apparently, they turn off the notification sound so Arthit doesn't notice it.

Group chat

Kongpob: so how is p'arthit?
Prem: he look mad...
Bright: he is not talking to us at all. Guess he really is mad.
Toota: ignore him. Soon he will know why we do this. Anyway Kong, the preparation is done?
Kongpob: yes It's done p. Bring him here.

The three smile secretly looking at the reply Kongpob give them. Prem whispering to Knot telling everything is done. Knot also smile hearing it.


A minute later, they are arrive at the restaurant.  Arthit look at his friends with a wierd face. The restaurant is dark. The sign say closed.

So,  why in the world they bringing him here?

But none of them answer it. Instead they walk in to the restaurant. To Arthit's surprise the door is open.

Arthit follow his friends step.

The moment he step in, the restaurant suddenly light up. The restaurant fill with all of his friends, decoration saying happy birthday and present everywhere.

He look everywhere to find the person that most clearly prepare for this. But he can't find him. There are mostly his friends. All of his hazer team. I look to my friends. They all just smile slyly. Clearly they know this party.

Then someone walk in from the inside bring out the cake. The he stand. Kongpob with a cake. He smile to Arthit.

"Happy birthday P'Arthit. I prepare this surprise party for you." Kongpob said.

Arthit just froze there.

"P?" Kongpob ask.

Arthit feels like to cry. This is his first birthday party in his whole life.

"Thank you Kong. You are the first one to celebrate my birthday. I don't know how to respond." Arthit said with a tears on his cheeks.

Kongpob wipe his tears and said,  "I know this is your first birthday party. P'Knot and the others tell me. That's why I want to be the first for you."

"Thank you. Kong." Arthit said smiling.

The rest of the day is the happiest day of Arthit's life. Never he thought having a boyfriend would be his happiness in his life.


This story is short. But still I love how the story goes on. What do you guys think? I hope you guys love it.

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