Forth & Beam

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Only one

Forth is being hated by the whole school because someone accuse him for taking someone else girlfriend. That someone also tell the whole school that it's not happen once but many time.

Of course it's just rumour. None of them is true. All the girls just his friends. They come to him to take an advice about their boyfriend.

Forth feels great he has his friends beside him. But now they have their own boyfriends. He is alone now.

He also thankful for the girls for understanding his problem. All the girls would just private text to him or secretly meeting him.

But, one day he feels like he can.t take anymore shit in this world. There's no one with him right now. True he has his friends but his life is not always with his friends. They also have their own live.

Forth stand at the edge of the school rooftop. He is thinking to suicide. He feels enough about all of this. His parent doesn't understand all his suffering. His schoolmate accuse him without knowing the truth.

Suddenly, the door being force open. Forth can see that someone beautiful, white skin come near him. forth know this guy. He is Beam. His forever crush. But why Beam is here?

"Forth...what are you doing? Please come down from there?" Beam beg to Forth

"Beam? How do you know I'm here? Please don't hold me. Just let me die. I can't take the accusing anymore. Time to time, the rumour is not decrease but it is increasing. Now student from other university also know my stupid rumour." Forth said with an emotion.

"I was walking when I see you running up here with tears. I follow you because I was worry. Please don't so this. You have your friends. think about them." Beam said.

"Friends? they are busy. I am alone Beam."

"No! You are not alone. I am here. I will be your friends."

"Friend? I don't believe anyone. You will also leave me too right?" Forth said. He is too emotional to think what is right for him.

"I promise. I will be with you whenever you need me. Please step down from there." Beam tries to beg again.

Forth stay silent. He is considering the promise Beam made to him.

"You promise?"

"Yes Forth. I promise." Beam said.

Forth then step down from the edge. Beam quickly hugs Forth. Beam knows Forth is in the fragile state. He knows it because he is a doctor to be who is learning about people's psychology.

Since then, Beam will always be beside Forth except when they have class. Be it eating, hanging out on weekend or studying. The two always together.

Forth's rumour still going around. But with Beam beside him, he becomes strong enough to be a head hazer. Beam can't be more than happy.

After he becomes a head hazer, no one dares to speak about his rumour again. And he is afraid by the whole university. He gains his charisma and power because of Beam.

His hazers' team respect Forth because his strong will and they actually know the real Forth. Since they all see what is the real reason the girls always keep going to Forth. Beam then also become the head of emergency helpers for Forth. All of hazers' and the emergency helpers love and respect Beam.

They all know Beam is the one who make Forth strong. Actually the news that Forth want to suicide by jump from the building is well known to all the student and professor but Beam threaten all of them to keep quiet. But how? Let's just keep it is as a secret. Because who know what Beam threaten them with.

Until one day, one of the first year trying to rape Beam. Forth when boiling and on rage when he heard them. None of them brave enough to hold him back.

All the hazers follow Forth from behind. He open the infirmary door and see Beam almost half naked. The first year is shocked to see the hazers are all there.

Without saying anything, Forth punch and kick the first year. The only one who can hold him back is Beam.

Beam hugs Forth from behind to calm him down. Beam almost get hit by doing this. After a few minutes, Forth calm down. He turn around and hug Beam.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay Forth."

Forth nodded and look to his hazers' team and said, "I want you guys guard him when the helpers help him. and when he is cure punish him to run around the field 100 laps. I don't care if he has to wait a week to cure himself."

All of the hazers nodded.

Forth and Beam walk out from the infirmary. They are heading to the canteen. The once noisy canteen turn to quiet. The head hazer walk in with Beam to have a lunch. None of them dare to speak loud. Once the fragile and deep emotional guy who affect by a rumour now turn to a fierce and scary head hazer. And all of it because of Beam. Forth doesn't realise it but Beam know the incident just now all these students already know judging by their reaction. Beam just smirk.

While Forth was thinking Beam is the only one he need. So from now on he will be the one to protect Beam from those shit here. The two of them talking and laughing with each other joking.


I got this idea from this song. UNB - Only One. The song is so beautiful i can't help it. And i try to write the story based on the lyrics. I hope you guys love it. And this story is too different from the original series.

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