Ming & Yo

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Sweet boyfriend

Ming and Yo are couple. They started dating since high school. Ming always fight the one who bullied Yo. For that, Yo can see the sincere Ming show him and accept him.

The two are famous at school for being a couple. People actually don't know they are truly couple. People just guess by the way the two act to each other. They do act lovely and sweet to each other. But they don't bother to announce themselves.

And now, Yo feels happy that he can goes to the same university with his boyfriend. Ming is now helping him to unpack his things in his dorm.

"Yo...do you have to bring all these one piece manga? "

"Ming... You know me. I can't leave that."

"You such a cutie Yo. You know that." Ming said while pinch Yo's nose.

Yo giggle at his boyfriend action.

"I know. You always say that."

"Let's continue. This is already so late." Yo continue.

Ming laugh and continue to unpack.

At the first day of their university days, Ming pick Yo to go together. Ming drop Yo off at science faculty.

That day they decided to choose moon from every faculty. Coincidencely, Ming and Yo are chosen as moons representit their own faculty.

Yo is with his angel gang heading to have lunch. Suddenly, Ming appear in front of them.

"Yo, let's go have lunch together." Ming said while smiling fondly.

"Yo...who is this? " one of the angels ask.

"Girls...let me introduce, this is Ming. My boyfriend." Yo said while blushing.

"Aw...so cute Yo. How come only Ming can make you like this?"

"Of course, I'm his boyfriend." Ming said

"Now, can I have a lunch with my boyfriend?" Ming said

Yo blush hard while the angels gang nodded. Ming smile than grab Yo's hand and walk to engineer's canteen.

From far,  Forth can see the new engineering moon eats lunch with someone. He walk to them.

"Ming." he tap the junior shoulder.

"Aw...  Sawadee P'Forth." Ming was to his senior.

Yo wai too.

"Who is he? " Forth ask

"He is Yo. My boyfriend." Ming said.

"Yo... Cute." Forth said.

Ming hug Yo and said,  "P... He is mine. You can't take him."

Yo is blushing while Forth is laughing,  "I was joking Ming.  He is yours."

Forth walk away while laughing.

"Ming... That p is joking. Don't be so mad." Yo said softly.

"Yo... You just so cute. I can't help for being jealous."

"Let's just eat okay? " Yo ask.

The two eat while teasing and laughing to each other. The two are in their own world.

They doesn't notice that they in the center of the attention of engineer student.

Ming and Yo already done their classes and star and moon practice. They on their way to eat dinner.

Yo is now pouting. Why? It is because, all the stars are ogling his boyfriend. He is jealous. He know Ming is handsome. But Ming is his.

"Yo? Why are you pouting? "

"Nothing... " Yo said as he turn his face.

Ming is thinking and remembering on how Yo change to moody. He is fine until just now.

He smile because he remember that all the girls are staring at him. He did realize the stares but he ignore them because he already has Yo.

"Yo... You are jealous."

"I am not." Yo turn to face Ming.

Ming just stare lovingly at Yo. This make Yo blush.

"Yo... "

"Y-y-yes... I'm jealous. So what? " Yo said.

"Oh Yo. You know I only love you. I'm not talking to any other girls right? I was staring at you that time. " Ming said while caressing Yo's cheeks.

"S-stop it. Let's eat." Yo said. His heart beat faster.

Ming just laugh at his cute boyfriend. He is so happy. Yo and Ming are such a sweet boyfriends to each other.

I am sorry.  I was busy this few days. And I'm probably will be more busy for 2 more weeks. I can't update the sweet magic book at the moment. I'm sorry. My family and I are preparing for the first day after fasting.

This story idea comes from this wattpad. And I remember how Ming would joke Yo as his boyfriend.

See you guys when I'm free.

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