Pha & Yo

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I love my teacher

Wayo is an excellent student. Unfortunately, math is the only one he can't get. Wayo done everything be can to solve the problem but he can't remember the right formula for the question.

Wayo know he can't do this, the last resort for him is begging to his dad to find a tutor for him.

"Dad...i need a tutor for my math. it is really bad. i don't understand the formula." Wayo whine

"Is it really that bad?" his dad ask

Wayo show his dad his math result. His dad look the exam paper. It is really bad.

"Okay. I will hire a tutor." his dad said while wink.

His dad actually know for a while that his son Wayo has a secret crush for his senior from high school. And he will hire that senior his son love to be a tutor. He actually done a secret investigation about this senior of Wayo. And the result is surprisingly show that the senior is truly amazing and a top medical student.

Meanwhile, Wayo is really stressing his mind for solving this math's problem. After a while he decided to dump his homework and read one piece manga.

The next day, his dad called him to the office. Wayo open the door and almost stumble himself when he see the person inside with his dad. He look to his dad and his dad smirk to him. Shit! His dad know his secret. He pout to his dad while his dad laugh to him.


Pha turn his head when he hear the door open. Pha smile. There he is. His cute, little guy. It's been 2 years i have not seen him. Yo become more cute and handsome. His eyes trailed off Yo.

Yo walk to his dad side and sit down.

"Yo. He is you math tutor. I'm sure you know each other right?"

"Dad...why you didn't tell me that P'Pha is going to be my tutor?" Yo whisper to his dad

"It's because you gonna love it." his dad reply in whisper

Pha watch the father and son whispering in front of me. Not the he offended. Rather to scene happen is too cute and adorable for him. How his father giggle to his son and how his son would pout.

Pha cough to get the two attention.

"I'm sorry. My son actually has a crush on you. Now go start your tutoring. You can ask this boy about how your plan about the tutor." Yo's dad said

Yo get up and glare to his dad. He revealed my secret. Now how can he stay alone with this handsome man?

Pha follow Yo and goes straight to Yo's room.

"So? You have a crush on me huh?"

"W-w-what? No. Nothing. Now let's start P'Pha." Yo stutter

Pha walk toward Yo and Yo take a step back. Suddenly, Yo hit the wall. He is nervous. His heart beat faster.

"What does that mean Yo?" Pha said with a low voice

"I-i-i...." Yo can't speak properly

" know what? I love you too." Pha confess.

Yo's cheek blush hard. He look up and said, "Really?"

Pha smile fondly and said, "Yes Yo."

"I...I love you P'Pha."

Pha cares Yo's cheek.He smile to his now cute boyfriend.

"So...let's start to study?"

Yo giggle and said, "Yeah. I almost forgot about that."

Yo and Pha walk to the study table and start to get study. They heard a knock from outside.

"Don't do anything other than study. I heard someone confessing just now." it is his dad teasing his son and his boyfriend

"DAD!!!" Yo yell to his dad while his face is red.


I am sorry for PhaYo fan if this story disappointing you. But i try hard to write this story. Thank you for reading my book.

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