Prem & Wad

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Have we meet before


Wad is 8 years old, playing with his toys outside in the backyard of his house. While playing, he accidently toss his toys to the neighbour's house. He walk out to the house next door and ring the bell. 

"Yes." a boy around 10 years old open the door.

"Hmm...P? i accidently thrown my toys at your backyard. can I come and get it back." little Wad said

"Okay. Come in. What's your name kid? I'm Prem."

"I am Wad." Wad gives Prem the biggest smile he had

"You're cute nong." Prem said mesmerized by the boy's eyes.

"hehehe...thank you p. You're handsome." Wad said smiling making Prem blush.

Prem bring Wad to his backyard to get the boy's toys while chatting happily. Prem open the backyard's door. Wad running out to the backyard to get his toys back. Since then, Prem and Wad is closed friend. They always playing together everyday if they get chance.

Until comes the time Wad and his family have to moved away because Wad's father got transfer to another states. Wad is crying hard, refusing to leave his P. Wad's parent try to calm the boy down and promise to come back again in the future. While Prem, clench his hand with his mother's hand to resist the incoming tears. He is trying to smile to the little boy.

"Promise we will see each other again nong Wad." Prem pinky promise to Wad

"Hmm..." Wad reply with a big nod and pinky promise too.


10 years has pass, the memory where Wad crying to a certain Pee seems hazy in his mind. Last night, while he pack his bag to move to the university's dorm he find an old album of an 8 years old of him and unrecognizable Pee. But, his parents said that he was really closed to this pee and he refused to leave him. He can't believe he forget that memory and that Pee. While Wad in deep in thought, he bumped into someone. He bow and said sorry. He look up and smile.

Prem is stress for the freshmen hazing activity. He goes to the university's park to calm his mind. Prem closed his eyes and walk slowly to feel the nature. Suddenly, he bumped into someone. He looked down and stunned to the boy who said sorry. Those are the eyes he familiar with in the past. 

'Is this nong Wad?' Prem thought

Before Prem can said anything, Wad run away. Prem blink and look Wad's back which is leaving his eyes. He determined to find out is he the one that Prem waiting for.

The next day, all the freshmen get together for engineering faculty's hazing. Wad look up on the stage. The one he bumped is on the stage with a scary face.

"Will I get scolded by him?" Wad thought

Surprisingly, he didn't. Wad smile and feels grateful towards the senior. THe hazers introduce themselves one by one until the name Prem is said. Wad's head never feels faster than before looking to the senior named Prem. That is the name of the Pee in that album according to his mother.

'is he really him?' Wad thought

When all this happen in his head, the order to collect 1000's sign of all the senior in Engineering Faculty already said by the only head hazer, Arthit. Wad widen his eyes but comply with his head down.


Wad is walking around to find seniors to collect signs from the senior. In his book, he already collected 100 signs. His feet and his eyes stop when he find someone stop in front of him. 

"Have we meet before?" Prem said

Wad look up and smiled." I don't know maybe."

Prem smile and hug the boy. "You cheeky brat. I miss you so much Wad."

"I'm sorry I left you P'Prem. I'm sorry that I seems to forgot you until I found an album yesterday night." Wad said while hugging Prem

"I understand Wad. You are too young at that time." Prem said.

"I love you Wad." Prem continue.

"I love you too." Wad said while blushing.



Author note:

the idea for this story is from BounPrem's memory when they first meet and also the song above. I'm sorry if this is too short for PremWad's fans. i hope you guys like it. comment if you want this to have part 2 and the idea for part 2. thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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