Chapter 29

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Riley's POV

I storm into the kitchen. Usually if I'm upset, I would cry behind my closed bedroom door in privacy, but I'm not even upset. I'm mad actually, and I just want someone to rant to. I walk in and Emily and Hunter are in there.

"Hey Ri." Emily greets me kindly, but than she notices my mood. "What's wrong?"

"James is being such a jerk!" I explode.

"Wait, didn't you two get back together like, two days ago?" Hunter laughs. I glare at him.

"And your point is?" I hiss at him. He shrugs.

"What'd he do now?" Emily questions.

"Okay so, he has to do another duet with Beth and he gets mad and yells at me to not get jealous that he's spending time with another girl and accuses me of getting jealous last time he did a duet with Beth. But than he turns around and gets jealous of me spending time with Charlie! And when I accuse him of being jealous, he gets mad and says that he has a right to be jealous! Yet, God forbid I get jealous of my boyfriend spending time in a room alone with his ex girlfriend who also has kissed him when he was dating me!" I ranted on.

"Wow." Hunter says.

"Well, maybe you did overreact a little." Emily confesses.

"I overreacted? Me? You know what, never mind. Forget I even brought everything up!" I crossed my arms and stomped up the stairs. I throw myself onto my bed. Minutes later, I hear someone knock on the front door. I wait for Emily to go get it. Afterall, she is downstairs. After a minute or so, I hear her open the door.

"Riley! Door!" She calls out.

"Ugh!" I cry. It was probaly James at the door. I get up and trudge downstairs. Sure enough, James was standing in the doorway.

"Well, I'll be in the kitchen." Emily says and quickly scurries away. We stand and stare at each other. I eye the bouquet of flowers in James's hand.

"Really James?" I say, raising an eyebrow at the flowers and lean against the door frame. He looks down at the flowers and shrugs.

"Thought it was worth a shot." He replies. I sigh.

"Look James, I-"

"No Riley. Your right, I shouldn't have acted jealous and rude towards Charlie, after I got mad at you for being jealous of Beth. I'm sorry." He apologizes.

"No, I'm sorry, I overreacted." I reply. He reaches out and takes my hand.

"I-I...just don't...I just don't want lose you again Riley." He confesses. Than looks back up to me. "I love you."

I let go of his hand and rushed into his arms, hugging him tight. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me even tighter.

"I love you too." I whisper. After a few minutes of hugging, I pull away.

"So, are we good?" He asks.

"Yeah, we're good." I giggle. Than Emily appears from the kitchen.

"Is everything alright between you two?" She asks. "Because Hunter and I are about to watch a movie, and if you want to watch it too, you can." I look up at James.

"Do you want to?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure." He replies.

"Okay, great." Emily says and walks back into the living room. I start to follow, when James grabs my wrist and turns me to face him and quickly kisses me. I kiss him back and we stand like that for what felt like forever, even though it was probaly about twenty seconds.

"Are you two coming or what?!" I hear Emily shout from the kitchen. I pull way from James and smirk.

"C'mon." I giggle. He slings his arm around my shoulders and we walk to the living room to join Emily and Hunter.

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