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Welcome to this new story

(I italicized/capped/underlined/bullet pointed important things in case you don't want to read the whole note)

So, the basics: each chapter alternates between the two main characters. Each chapter will be tied to a specific day and time.

The chapters will be shorter in the beginning, but gain intensity and length as the plot advances.


Points of the book:

I really hope to try my best to bring awareness to different struggles teens face.

One of the main topics that is adressed up in this book is mental health issues

-the stigmas

-relationship struggles


-gender associations

-eating disorders and there overwhelming effects

-social stats

-daily impact 

There are many aspects and manifestations of these invisible disorders, which often are unspoken about in society.

FYI: While the character's relationships are based on the common struggle of mental health issues and their familiar struggle with stigmas and stereotypes) 

I by NO means am trying to ROMANTICISING mental health.  Furthermore, I tried to pull from my experience with mental health issues, with a goal of bringing awareness to the complexity.

Some examples of the topics (to give a bit of a heads up and advancement warning.)

-Teenage boys which have mental disorders


-Eating disorders (those sections may be triggering, as they were a bit for me to write. So, I'm letting you all know ahead of time--if you are uncomfortable or feel the writing was too intense (kinda because I pulled from my own experience) please let me know.)

Here are some conjoining campaigns both the book and I support.









(I have more but at the moment campaign mentions is not working for me at the moment)

Also, please let me know if you have any concerns or criticism of the book. Or if anything makes you feel unnecessarily uncomfortable, or simply doesn't make sense. I appreciate the feedback and try my best to make sure the story is both realistic and such.

Also, if any of you are struggling with anything and would like someone to talk to, I'm always available.

Be brave and kind!

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