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“Why are you all dressed up?” Luke asked as I got in his car, putting my safety belt on.

“Save it.” I grumbled. “I know I look ridiculous, just save it, okay?” Luke has been driving me to school since he got his license. I used to have Kaylee or Ashton pick me up, but Luke only lives a few houses down, so it’s simpler this way.

“You don’t look ridiculous.” He laughed. “You look… Fine.” He attempted to  compliment. “You’ve got that stomach… Thing going on.” We shared a small laugh, I rolled my eyes.

“My mum’s coming to town today.” I told him, smiling.

“Really? How long has it been.” I shrugged.

“Two years. Since our last dinner. Two years.” I looked out the window, watching as we passed by trees and other cars. Soon enough, we were at school.




“Hello, Lukey.” Kaylee grinned as she sat next to me in homeroom.

“Hey.” I chuckled a bit, glancing at her before going back to my work.

“Quit that shit out.” She teased. “Talk to me, I want to talk to you.” Complying, I sighed, turning to her despite the big exam I have in Lit next period.

“What can I do ya for, Ms. Hughes?” I joked, playing with my lip ring.

“I want to talk about Romy.” She eased into the topic slowly, earning an immediate eye roll and sigh.

“What about Romy?” I humored her, holding back my annoyance.

“What’s going on with you two? I mean… Shit you two are like walking on eggshells. All tense and shit.” She shrugged.

“Nothing, Kaylee. Nothing at all.” I shook my head.

“Oh, bullshit, Luke. Look, she doesn’t talk to me. I’m her best friend and she’s sealed. I figured she’d talk to you or something, I don’t know.” I looked away, at the other students trying to work, sending us annoyed glances.

“I don’t know any more than you do, Kaylee.” I replied honestly. “She hates me.” I lowered my voice. "All I know is that it hurts. Looking at her hurts. It always has, it always will. I just want it to stop." I sighed deeply, fisting my hair. “Do you have advice for that, Kaylee?” I challenged.


“You should talk to her and tell her that.” She finally spoke. “I think she needs someone to save her, and you need someone to save you, too, Luke.”

“She hates me.” I spoke slowly because she obviously didn’t understand. “She always has.” I bit my lip. “How long are you guys going to keep this up?” I asked, irritated. “We’ve known each other for five and a half years. Nothing has ever changed, nothing will change. She’ll always hate me, I can’t change that, I’ve tried. We sit here and watch all of you fall in and out of each other and we do nothing. Why? Because it’s weird, Kay… I want her to love me. I really do, but if she doesn’t, then she doesn’t. There’s nothing I can do about it. So don’t feed me that ‘we need to save each other’ bullshit, because she obviously doesn’t want to be saved. And frankly, neither do I.” Before Kaylee could comment, the bell rang, and I packed my things, leaving without a goodbye and opting to walk around the halls until Lit ends.




Make it Stop ⇼  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now