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Dear Luke,

The night I found those pictures of Madison Brown on your cellphone, I wrote 'I love you' inside your favorite skinny jeans, so you'd remember me when you're with her.

Have you found it yet?

With love, Romy.




Dear Luke,

It’s funny how you and Madison are both missing.

Please tell me she’s not with you.

With love, Romy.




Dear Luke,

Is it weird that what I miss most

is your old, shitty car?

With love, Romy.




Dear Luke,

My good-luck necklace is still in your car.

I’m sure you have some of my other things, too.

Maybe you left because I wasn’t wearing it.

Maybe it gave me bad luck to take it off.

Maybe it wasn’t 100% my fault.

Maybe it was fate.

With love, Romy.




Dear Luke,

There are bags under my eyes because I stay up all night

thinking about holding you.

I'm drained.

I'm tired.

I need you.

With love, Romy.




Dear Luke,

Please come back to me.

With love, Romy.




Dear Luke,

Why didn't you tell me that one can not save someone.

They can only love them.

It would have made your leaving a hell of a lot easier.

With love, Romy.




Dear Luke,

Do you remember when you used to text me at one in the morning,

telling me you can't sleep?

I'm sorry I never answered.

You know I go to sleep early.

Make it Stop ⇼  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now