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“I don’t know if I can do it.” I admitted to Luke. He and I were still sitting in the private room, playing with a deck of cards we had found, and waiting for my mum. “See my mum.” I clarified to diminish his confused look. “I-I just… I don’t know. I haven’t seen her since year eight and what if she’s different? What if she’s horrible? Luke, I don’t know what to do! My best friend is pregnant, I’ve just taken a rape kit, dads going to jail, everything is just fucked up and different! And… And you’re the only stable thing I have right now, and I don’t think you want to stay with me because everything is shit and it’s so stressful. You deserve so much more than me, you deserve someone without so much baggage and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry you have to be with me.” Luke’s eyes looked up at me as he set his cards face down and met his blue eyes with my brown ones. He opened his mouth to speak, running his hand through his quiff.


“Romy?” He asked, in response to my rant. “Is this your way of trying to break up with me?” His eyes watered as he blinked frequently in attempt to brush the tears away.

“No.” I rasped. “No, Luke it isn’t.” He nodded slowly, wiping a fallen tear quickly. I had assumed he prayed I didn’t see it, because he was now intently staring at the floor.

“Good.” Leaning over the small table, I pulled his face up to look at me. “I thought you were leaving me.” He let out a dry, fake laugh. The way his lip quivered broke my heart and motivated me to stand, sitting on his lap and hugging him.

“Never.” I promised, setting my head on his shoulder. Luke sniffled quietly, taking a sharp breath in. “Hey.” I cooed, hiding my hands in his hair as I forced myself to look at him. “Don’t cry for me.” I whispered. “Please, don’t.” Luke rubbed his eyes, burying his face in my neck.

“I can’t help it.” He whispered against my skin. “I care about you so much, just the thought tears me up.” I kissed him quickly.

“I’m not worth it.” I argued quietly.

“Don’t you dare cry for me. Ever.” He traced circles in my back. I bit my lip, nodding although I knew at some point I would.


“You’re all I ever wanted.” He whispered. “Do you know how dangerous that is?” I shook my head. “You are so perfect. You’re so lovely, Romy. I know you don’t think that you are worth it, but trust me, you are enough. I hope you never regret me, I just… I promise I’ll protect you, always. I promise I’ll never hurt you.” I curled into him, closing my eyes.

“Lukey?” I asked, earning a small smile.

“Hmm?” He hummed.

“Thank you.” It was all I could think to say.


“Do you know what I love about you?” He asked, continuing without an answer from me. “I love how messy your hair gets, and how cute your little nose is—oh, and how when you get cold it gets so red. I love how soft your hands are, how your nails are always painted, how your lips are almost as soft as your hands. You’re beautiful, sweet, funny, caring… You are home, Romy. You’re my home. You’re the reason I’ve stopped cutting.” I stared at him, blushing madly as I soaked his features in.

“I love your lips and your piercing.” I giggled, poking it gently. “I love how you hold me, and how you hold my hand in the car, and let me sit in the middle council. I love how you respect me and how you understand everything. I love how you keep me strong.” He kissed my nose, smiling at me.

“I’m in love with you, Romy.” He rasped, playing with his lip ring. “I know you aren’t sure yet, but I just had to tell you.”

“I’m in like with you.” I poked his dimple, earning a laugh as he pressed his lips to mine. After wrapping his arms around my small body, he pulled his phone out, opening the camera and snapping a few pictures of us. One of us cuddling, one of us kissing, and one of us laughing.

Make it Stop ⇼  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now