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“Ashton!” I called after him, jogging to catch up as he walked out of the cabin.

“What the fuck, Luke?!?!” He yelled, I desperately tried to calm him down. “What the fuck?!?!” He repeated, pulling at his hair as he shook his head. “What the fuck?” He turned to me. “You two hate each other! And you’re in there, feeling each other up?!?!”

“Ashton, please, be quiet!” I scolded, he rolled his eyes.

“I’m just… Fuck! I’m so confused… What? What the fuck?!?!” I played with my lip ring in nervousness as I forced Ashton to sit on the picnic table outside our cabin.

“Just… Look, just let me explain.” I pleaded.

“Well, fuck! I’m waiting!” He crossed his arms.

“It’s… It’s complicated. We’re… We’re an item… We’ve been an item since Monday, but it’s nothing serious.” I couldn’t think of what to say. How the fuck do you explain something like this?

“What?” He asked, sighing. “Nothing serious? It looked pretty serious!”

“We… We agreed to keep things between us. Because if it doesn't work out, then it won’t be weird… With you guys… We didn’t want to tell anyone yet. It’s… It’s just a thing that happened.” I looked at the floor.


“That’s ridiculous.” He spat, “She doesn’t deserve that!” He came to her defense.

“I… I know. She doesn’t deserve me. I’m shit. I just… I don’t want to screw it up, Ash. She’s so beautiful. She’s out of my league. But I’ve loved her since the first time I saw her, and now all of a sudden she might feel the same, or she might just have a crush. And-And now we’re dating—kind of—and she’s mad at me but she’s still kissing me and I don’t understand what the fuck is going on at all.” I confessed, “And now you know everything and she’s going to hate me for that!” I exclaimed, scoffing as I rubbed my face.

“I won’t tell.” Ashton promised, standing up and patting my back. “It’s going to be okay, mate.” He told me. “Just go in there and fix things. I’m going to go for a walk.” With that, he disappeared, and I was forced to drag myself back inside to see Romy.




By the time Luke came back in the room, I was having a full blown panic attack, clutching the sheets on the end of the bed and pinching my eyes shut, trying desperately not to cry. My breathing was erratic and the voices in my head kept telling me everything is shit. Luke rushed over to me, sitting next to me and asking what’s wrong and if there was something he could do to help. He moved himself so he was kneeling in front of me, prying my hands away from the blankets and holding them tightly.

“Romy, talk to me.” His voice was slow and soothing, I couldn’t help but squeeze his hands as I began to cry. I couldn’t bring myself to talk to him. “Romy.” He quietly spoke. “It’s okay, you’re just—you’re just having a panic attack, it’s okay-” He cooed. Before he could continue, there was a knock at the door. He stood, letting go of my hands and opening the door slightly.


“Hey, we’re back.” It was Kaylee. “Is Ash in there with—what’s wrong with her?” Her voice was full of concern.

Make it Stop ⇼  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now