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“Where to?” Luke asked as we got closer to our houses.

“Can you take me home?” My hand was still intertwined with his, my head still on his shoulder. He sighed lightly.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I shrugged.

“I don’t know. Dad shouldn’t be home until like eight. But I need to shower and change.” Luke frowned. “If I don’t go home—or at least leave a note—he’ll…” I paused. “He’ll be mad.” I decided to leave Luke out of the gory bits. If I didn’t give dad any indication of where I was going, he’d kill me.

“I just think it’s dangerous to stay there.” He shook his head as I lifted mine, our hands still connected. I cleared my throat.

“I’ll stay with Kaylee.” I gave in. “Do you mind waiting and giving me a ride?” He smiled.

“Sure.” As we pulled up to my house, I allowed Luke to wait in my room as I packed a small bag.


***Sunday night***


Kaylee was still torn up about her and Ashton fighting. Yesterday seemed like a week ago with the  amount crying she was doing and the caretaking I was left in charge of. Ashton broke up with her, and she was so torn up about it, that I had Ella and Steph come over. Because of Kaylee’s state, neither of them had asked about my eye. Instead, we tried to cheer her up with ice cream and a funny movie.

“Do you think I’m dumb?” She asked, scooping ice cream into her third bowl. “For accusing him?” She clarified.

“No.” Steph said.

“You had a right to know.” Ella agreed.

“But if I hadn’t accused him, we’d be alright.” She sniffled.

“If you hadn’t have accused him, who knows what might have happened?” I imputed. “I mean, yeah I know it sucks, but to be honest, what would have happened if he opened it himself? Who knows how long he’s been getting those pictures.” The girls quietly agreed.


“Do you think he did it?” Kaylee asked. When none of us answered, she frowned. Ella shrugged, Steph looked away. “Romy?” She asked, as I had provided no tell.

“Do you think he did it?” I asked, shooting her question back at her.

“No.” Her voice cracked. “And it’s killing me because I know he never would have. I mean, he said he loves me. But… But I accused him anyways and now he hates me.” She began crying again. “Should I apologize?” She asked.

“You should call him.” Ella told her.

“You should talk to him.” Steph advised.

“Can you call him for me?” Kaylee asked me in tears. I nodded with a small smile.

“I’ll go call him.” I promised, excusing myself from the group.


I sat in Kaylee’s room, grabbing her phone with shaky hands, dialling Ashton’s number.

“Yello?” A voice answered, but it wasn’t Ash.

“Hello?” I replied. “Luke?”

“Romy?” He asked right back. “What are you doing?” I smiled, it’s good to hear his voice, despite my prior intentions to call Ashton.

Make it Stop ⇼  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now