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“Are you still mad?” Luke asked me early Monday morning as I got in his car, not bothering to give him a kiss hello.

“Yeah.” I mumbled, my eyes finding their way out the window as he began driving. He sighed deeply, nodding as he turned the radio down.

“I don’t get why it matters.” He quietly spoke, more to himself than I. Deciding not to answer, I shook my head. “It’s not like we’re fucking.” He pointed out, causing me to bite my lip.

“It matters because it makes me sad.” I glanced at him. Knuckles white, and gripping the steering wheel tightly. “You’re supposed to care when I get sad.” Luke’s hard gaze softened, his lips falling out of a purse and into a frown, his grip loosening.

“Baby.” He mumbled. “I do care. Don’t think I don’t.” He shook his head, to which I rolled my eyes.

“Well you’re hanging around with her.” I harshly groaned.

“It’s not like we’re fucking!” He repeated, this time with more anger.

“That doesn’t matter, Luke!” I nearly yelled. “Being unfaithful does not only qualify as fucking! It means that you’re seeing someone else!” On the edge of tears, I stared at my lap. “It hurts that you’d rather hang out with her than me.” I spat.

“It would be fine if I was with Kaylee or one of the girls!” He objected.

“Yeah!” I scoffed. “Because I trust them!” Luke pulled into a parking spot. “She wants you, Luke!” I yelled, “And she won’t stop until she gets you!” Madison and her clan began walking to his car. Taking a deep breath, I tried to contain my anger. “I refuse to be cheated on, Luke.” I told him. “We had sex. We’ve said we love each other, and that we need each other. But if you’re going to start seeing her, then you damn well better break up with me now, because I will not be cheated on.” With that, I climbed out of his car and slammed the door, ignoring his calls after me. I knew he’d just smile the Luke smile at Madison, and everything would be nonexistent.




“Okay… Honestly, what the fuck is going on?!?!” Kaylee asked, as Luke and I hadn’t spoke to each other all lunch, and sat at different ends of the table.

“Nothing.” Luke muttered, picking at his food. The table’s attention turned to me, as if I’d tell them that Luke maybe, possibly, probably, could be cheating on me. I shook my head, unintentionally glaring at Luke. He’d hardly looked up, and hardly touched his food.

“Nothing.” I spat. “I’m just crabby.” Luke scoffed.

“Why don’t you just tell them?” He challenged, pulling at his hair. “It;s not like you haven’t already.” His outburst shocked me.

“I haven’t told anyone.” I rolled my eyes.

“So why not tell them now?” He pushed, “They’ll find out sooner or later. Nows the best time.” I pursed my lips, sharing an angry glare with Luke.


“Luke’s fucking Madison.” As soon as the words left my mouth, Luke scoffed.

“No.” He corrected. “Romy’s mad because we’ve had a few conversations.” He lied.

“You two hung out all day on Sunday!” I exclaimed.

“Just because I’m not with you, doesn’t mean I’m with her.” He held a nonchalant tone, pissing me off further. “You’re lying.” He stated.

Make it Stop ⇼  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now