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“Good morning, Romy!” Kaylee chirped as I sat at the table, admiring the nice breakfast she had made with Ella and Steph. I woke up to an empty bed, and I couldn’t help but shoot a tense look at Luke. How could he just leave me in there all alone? I sat in between Cal and Mikey, digging into breakfast. “Rough night?” Kaylee asked sympathetically. I gave her a small smile.

“You could say that.” I let out a dry laugh. It’s always awkward being the last one to wake up. It creates that feeling that everyone was waiting for you and talking about you. Luke raised an eyebrow, avoiding eye contact.

“I had the weirdest dream last night.” Kaylee told us, our attention focusing on her. “So it started off with me, and I was just in this forest and then there was this bear…” Her voice faded out as I looked up at Luke, who was sitting across from me. His blue eyes beating into me. He smiled at me slyly, to which I merely shook my head. He pursed his lips, gesturing outside with his eyes. I shook my head again, tearing my eyes away from Luke and back to Kaylee. “Is that not the weirdest shit you’ve ever heard?” Everyone laughed at her strange dream.

“You know what we should do today?” Ella asked, changing the subject. “Let’s drive up to that state park and go for a hike!" Her  excitement rubbed off on us all as we agreed, hurrying to finish our breakfast and getting ready to leave. We argued about the car arrangement, as I didn't want to ride with Luke and Ash again, in hopes to save the awkward talk on the way. After about five minutes, I finally gave in and got in the middle seat of the car that smelt of Luke.

"Are you mad at me?" he asked before Ashton got in, but I was safe from answering, as we were interrupted. The car ride was full of quiet music as Ashton and Luke joked about how Luke's father was going to kill him when he finds out Luke has been skipping school lately. I didn't talk. My thoughts were too insane to comprehend.

I couldn't shake that thought that I looked at Luke as if he's everything, and in return he looks at me like I'm a spec of dust—like I'm nothing. And all I wanted to do was scream at him and fight with him and call it off, and to be truthful, I’m beginning to fear him. He makes me happy and sad all at once. He makes by heart slam against my ribs when I think of him. He makes me forget about yesterday, and dream about tomorrow. But last night... I can never forget last night. The fingerprints he left on my skin, and the laughter we shared in the darkness; it made me want to erase all the bad in my life and engulf him, but I can not. I feel like I'm dying—I need to get out. I need to be free. I need to be alone. My hands won’t stop shaking and my head hurts, my heart is beating so loudly that I can't hear myself think, let alone the indistinct conversation going on as we puked into a gas station, leaving the trail of the other car.

"I-I have to go to the bathroom." I mumbled, scurrying out as soon as Ashton got the message.

Splashing cold water on my face, I tried to calm myself down and stop the irrational thinking. When I finally controlled my breathing, I exited the bathroom and began making my way to Luke’s car. As I stepped outside, I was stopped by two guys.

“Hey sexy.” One smirked, I rolled my eyes and tried to move away, only to be stopped once again.

“Where you going, baby?” The other grabbed my wrist, holding it tight enough to force me to stay, despite my efforts to leave.

“Back to my boyfriend!” I spat, pushing him away.

“Yeah? well said boyfriend isn’t here right now-” he was cut off by Luke interrupting,

“What’s going on here?” He seemed amused.

“Nothing, let’s go.” I attempted to pull him away, only to have Luke rip his hand gently out of my grip.

“Hang on.” He commanded.

“Please, it’s fine. I just want to go.”

“No. I’m not going to let some chumps hit on and touch my girlfriend. It’s just disrespectful.” The first man scoffed.

“Chumps?” He asked.

“The only chump here is you.” The second growled.

“Excuse me?” Luke asked, getting angry.

“Luke, it’s not worth it.” I begged, being ignored.

“I’m the chump?” Luke laughed dryly. “That’s rich coming from two blokes trying to get a girl who isn’t interested. That girl is mine. So you better back off before I get real fucking mad-” I cut him off before things could carry on.

“Let’s just go.” I demanded, walking away as soon as I was sure Luke was following.

“Did he hurt you?” Luke asked, I didn’t answer his question, though the redness on my wrist was evidence enough.

“You didn’t have to do that.” I grumbled as I climbed in the middle seat through the drivers side. “I can handle myself.” Luke scoffed, slamming the door as he got in.

“You obviously can’t. He was fucking hurting you.” Luke snapped as he began to drive. “Sorry I was trying to do something for you in hopes to get you to stop ignoring me.”

“You’ve been looking at me like I am a piece of trash all fucking morning! Don’t you dare turn this on me!” I bit my lip.

“Maybe if you weren’t acting like a piece of trash last night, I wouldn’t have been.” I was unable to suppress my gasp, feeling extremely hurt.

“What happened last night?” Ashton asked, making his presence known. We ignored him.

“I didn’t mean that.” Luke immediately countered. “I’m sorry, I-” I cut him off.

“You need to learn to bite your fucking tongue!” I yelled at him.

“Romy, I’m sorry, I—What we had last night… I-I thought it was special… It wasn’t trashy. I’m sorry.” I shook my head.

“It wasn’t special. Intimacy is not special. Intimacy is common. Love is special, and I don’t know if I love you. I don’t know if I feel anything.” I replied sharply, in pure anger.

“If you don’t know then let me go, Romy. Don’t fucking pull at my heart strings while you try to figure it out. I just… I need you to want me as I am and I need you to stay with me. And here you saying that you don’t fucking feel anything? Well if you don’t know, then just let me go, Romy.” He yelled at me. I crossed my arms, knowing fairly well that I wasn’t going to put up with him using such harsh words toward me all the fucking time.

“Then I guess I’m letting you go.” I whispered.

Make it Stop ⇼  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now