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It’s a typical Wednesday night. We’re all hanging out at Calum’s house, watching some dumb horror film. Cal and Steph are chatting about something in the kitchen, most likely useless fighting, Ella and Mikey are snogging, and Kaylee has fallen asleep on Ash. Luke and I are pretending to ignore each other, keeping our relationship a secret, but all I want to do is lean over and kiss him. I would, too, if I wasn’t afraid Ash, Ella, or Mikey would catch us.

“Cal and I made arrangements for this weekend.” Luke glanced at Ash.

“Yeah?” Ash asked. “What’d we get?”

“Four bedroom cabin. I booked it for Thursday afternoon to Sunday.” Ash nodded. We have a ‘teacher’s workshop day’ this Friday, meaning we get out of school Friday for no apparent reason. They have teacher workshop days once a month.

“So are you and Romy going to sleep in the same bed, then?” Ashton asked, completely oblivious that he had brought me into the conversation.

“It’s fifty dollars cheaper for a four bedroom.” He shrugged. “If she’s really against it-” Lukes eyes burnt into me. “I’ll sleep on the couch.”




Finally, it’s Thursday afternoon, and we’re all gathered at Ashton’s discussing who is going to drive and who is going to stop along the way to get essentials—such as food, snacks, firestarter, bugspray. After a good hour of arguing, we decided to have Calum drive himself, Ella, Steph, Mikey, and Kaylee in his car and they’d stop to get the food, drinks and other essentials, while Luke, Ashton and I drove in Luke’s car. I wasn’t thrilled about the idea that Luke and I weren’t going to be alone at all, but it’s not like I could complain. We’d also decided it’d be best to put all our bags in the boot of Luke’s truck considering it was the largest. After throwing their stuff in the boot, the other car took off, leaving Luke and I waiting as Ashton finished his usual last minute packing. Finally finishing, Ash threw his stuff in the boot, and Luke cursed.

“Shit, Ash I left my keys in your room. Could you-” He was cut off with a smile.

“Sure!” As soon as he disappeared inside, Luke grabbed me, pulling me closer and pressing his lips against mine. I giggled, setting my hands on his chest.

“You did that on purpose.” I teased, causing him to kiss me again.

“What can I say?” He asked, “You look great.” Laughing, I pulled away from him, climbing in his car and waiting for Ash to return.


After Ash got back, we finally began to drive Luke’s arm was slung over the back of the seat, I was crammed between him and Ash. The radio was playing All Time Low’s Don’t Panic album, Ash was going on about him and Kaylee’s makeup sex. After about five minutes of him talking to an uninterested Luke and myself, I cut him off.

“Listen, Ash.” I stifled a laugh. “I don’t really care about what you two talk about in guy time, and all due respect, but I’ve already heard this story three times from Kaylee.” Ash laughed a bit.

“Alright, then. Insight us, Romy. What’s new in the sex life of Romina Baker?” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. before I could answer, Luke spoke.

“There is no sex life.” He teased, making me purse my lips as I forced a laugh.

“I beg to differ!” Ashton laughed. “She’s got hickeys. It’s not like she can give ‘em to herself.”

“It’s not like anyone else would give ‘em to her either.” Luke cockily spoke, immediately gaining a gasp from me.

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