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“Luke.” I groaned, sitting next to him on my bed.

“Romy.” His attention was glue to his phone as he typed away. SIghing, I picked at my nails, which I’d just taken the polish off.

“What color should I paint my nails?” Setting his phone down, he met my eyes. All we’ve done with our Saturday is watching horrible films in my room, I was extremely bored and he’d barely paid any attention to me, texting all day. I asked who it was a million times, but he brushed it off each one.

“Can I paint them?” He grinned, earning a laugh.

“If you want.” Luke stood, searching through my colors and grabbed black, pink, purple, blue, yellow, and green. Positioning himself in front of me, he sat criss-cross, and set my hand on his knee. “What are you going to do with them?” I asked him.

“Uhm… I’m going to do them all different colors with black polka dots.” I held in my laughter, knowing it’d look horrible.

“Okay sounds good.” He stared at my hand, deeply concentrated.


“What if I mess up?” He laughed, opening the blue.

“It’s okay.” Pulling my hand away, I put a few tissues down, in case he did mess up and it got on his jeans.

“Do I just…” His voice trailed off as he gently placed a glob of blue  nail polish on my nail, spilling onto my skin. I laughed, nodding. “Oh shit.” He flushed, grabbing the pink and moving to my ring finger and getting some on my skin.

“Luke, get it off!” I laughed, not wanting it to dry on my finger.

“How?” His voice was frantic, like he thought he’d ruined everything.

“With your finger.” He pursed his lips, wiping off the paint on my skin and wiping it on the tissue. His eyes met mine with a goofy smile as he got out the yellow, concentrating as he slowly painted it. “That one was good!” He exclaimed proudly.

“Yeah, it was really good!” I encouraged, slightly lying. The three nails he’s done so far had been leaking off to the side.


“It smells.” He laughed, working on opening the purple. “And why does it keep beading?”

“Let me see.” Frowning, he handed it to me. “Take the brush and…” My voice trailed off as I showed him how to remove the excess polish from the brush, handing it to Luke. This nail was slightly better, but still got on my skin. He painted my thumb green, and let the blobs dry as he began working on my left hand. He continued to put too much on and get it on my skin, but he was concentrating so hard, biting his lip, and furring his eyebrows—it nearly melted my heart.

“How do I put dots?” He held the black up, somewhat examining it.

“Get a toothpick.” I pointed to my nightstand, where I kept my nailpolish. He grabbed the toothpick, dipping it into the black and leaving sloppy dots on my nails. “It’s beautiful.” I laughed once he finished, admiring his work. “Thank you, bae.” I laughed, pecking his lips.


“Do you want some grapes?” Luke asked, standing as I lightly blew on the wet polish.

“Sure.” He disappeared for a few minuted, returning with a bowl of grapes and lying down next to me. “Did you wash them?” I earned an immediate, slightly annoyed look.

“Your mum just asked me the same thing.” He remarked, causing me to smile, shrugging. Luke picked his phone up and began texting again. I sighed to get his attention, only for him to hand me a grape, and when I didn’t take it, try to feed me. I shook my head, pushing his hand away and grabbing my own grape, popping it in my mouth.  “You good?” He asked slowly.

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