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It was Sunday afternoon, and I had gone far too long without talking to Luke. I hadn’t replied to his texts since he left my house last night and honestly, I feel like a major bitch. So, with a stone in my stomach, I took it upon myself to walk the short distance to his house and took the liberty of letting myself in, meeting his brothers in the living room, their eyes glued to the telly.

“He’s in his room.” Ben spoke, obviously uninterested and unphased by my presence. After a quiet thank you, I proceeded up the stairs. I had become very close to the Hemmings family, and came to their house quite a bit after my mum left, I found comfort in Liz, and mostly came around for the scent of warm cookies and nice, quaint, girl talks. I hadn’t even had those when mum was around. But I guess that Luke’s family had gotten the gist that I was no longer here for Liz, because I was finding a different kind of comfort in Luke. Well, that, or they inquired him after I left on Friday and he told them we finally decided to start dating. When I reached Luke’s room, I didn’t bother knocking, and went straight in to see Luke sleeping. With shaking hands, I walked to his bed and sat on the edge, my hand travelling to his hair and playing with the frizzy quiff. Luke’s eyes opened slowly as he let out a surprised sigh, probably expecting to see his mother and not me.


“Hey.” He rasped, rolling on his back and positioning his hands behind his head. “You haven’t been answering my texts.” He noted, earning a shrug. “I’m so sorry about yesterday. I don’t know what I was talking about. Of course you’re enough, you’re always enough.” I loved to see Luke in his sleepy states, because he’d always open up and tell me what he was actually thinking. “And if you want to tell the girls, we can tell the girls.” His hand found mine, squeezing it gently. “I feel horrible, and I’m so sorry. I hate it when you’re angry with me and I shouldn’t have said the things I did. I just love you so much that it scares me, and-” He began to ramble, and I cut him off, furring my eyebrows together.

“Don’t get all cheesy on me.” I teased him quietly, glancing down at his t-shirt, his signature black ‘You Complete Me’  one. “This is my favorite shirt on you.” I told him, changing the subject briefly.

“Is this mine?” He referred to the red and black flannel, earning a smirk.

“Yes.” I confessed. He laughed quietly, shaking his head.

“Looks great on you.”


“I’m sorry, too.” I diverted back to the topic of interest. “I didn’t mean it when I said I didn’t want to run away with you. I’d be a pleasure to take off and worry our parents and friends.” We shared a laugh. Biting my lip, I frowned, pulling my hand out of Luke’s and running it through my hair. Luke closed his eyes peacefully. I lied next to him, setting my head on his chest. “Don’t fall back asleep.” I pleaded, setting my hand comfortably on his stomach. Luke sighed as I looked up at him, his eyes fluttering back open.

“Okay.” He obliged, pulling me closer and wrapping his long arms around my shoulders. “Can I have a kiss, then?” He smiled sweetly.

“I guess so.” I teased, leaning up to peck his lips. The kiss only lasted a few seconds, mostly because we were both straining to connect our lips in the first place.

“I love you.” He reminded me.

“I know.” I teased him. He frowned lightly, playing with his lip ring. “I love you, too.” I promised, in hopes to gain his smile.

“Good.” He laughed.


“Mum and Owen said they need to get to know you better.” I scoffed. “They want you to come for dinner tonight.” I told Luke, with no intention of convincing him, as I’d rather just hang around and have whatever Liz was making—she was a great cook, after all. Luke kissed my forehead, I scrunched my nose—which made him laugh—as I noticed the polaroids we’d taken a while back were set on his nightstand so each could be seen perfectly.

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