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“I’m going to take a shower.” Luke rasped, standing up and heading to his bathroom. “Join me?” He joked, stopping at the doorway.

“No way.” I laughed, picking at my nails. Luke disappeared into the bathroom, and seconds later, I heard the shower running. I couldn’t help but sigh with relief once he was gone. He didn’t show up to school today, and when I came to check on him, he was indulged in his phone, and wouldn’t give me a straight answer as to why he didn’t go. As if on cue, his phone buzzed from a text. Curiosity getting the best of me, I picked up his phone and opened the text from Madison.


Tears welled up in my eyes as I stared at the pictures she sent him. How could she willingly send him nudes without any prompt, knowing fairly well that he is mine? I couldn’t help but grab a silver sharpie from his desk, along with his favorite black skinny jeans, and I wrote I love you on the inside. I just wanted him to remember me if he was ever with her.


I heard the shower turn off, and on impulse, I threw his phone aside and rushed to the bathroom, opening the door to find him securing a towel around his waist.  

“Change your mind?” He smirked. I had half a mind to slap him, and the other half wanted to fuck him, in hopes to heep him to stay. The later half took over, and I grabbed his face, pressing my lips and body against his, getting my clothes wet in the process. As Luke was taken off guard, he stumbled back into the glass shower door. His hands quickly tucked the loose end of the towel in as his lips moved against mine, he glided to my waist, and his hand slipped over my bum. He moaned slightly as I pressed myself further into him, his tongue slipping into my mouth.


“I love you.” I mumbled against his lips, un-digging my fingers from his hair to swiftly  rip off my shirt, staring at him in my bra. Luke’s eyes scanned my body for a moment, confused.

“What are you-” I cut him off, pressing my lips on his. Pulling Luke by his hips, I began walking backwards with him. Following my lead, he took charge, leading me into his room and allowing me to crash on his bed before hovering over me, pushing his lips on my neck as he squeezed my breast.

“Luke.” I whispered, pulling his face to mine before he could leave a bruise. “I want you.” I breathed, unbuckling my jeans and shimmying them off. Luke worked quickly to remove my bra and panties along with his towel as he grabbed a condom from his nightstand. After rolling it on, he didn’t waste any time, sliding in and earning a small gasp as he started moving. His arms placed on both sides of me as I set my hands on his waist. He began to move faster, our small gasps becoming more audible with every thrust.


He moved faster as he became closer to finishing, stopping suddenly and moaning quietly, collapsing onto me. He pulled out of me, our breathing heavy, and grabbed some clothes before disappearing back into the bathroom. In annoyance, I put my bra, pantied, and jeans on, angry that he didn’t bother to make sure I finished as well. With a sigh, I entered the bathroom after he came out, grabbing my shirt and slipping it on, sitting next to him on the bed.


“Did you go through my phone?” Luk asked, setting it aside. He was only wearing jeans, no shirt.

“Did you ask Madison for those pictures?” I asked in return, knowing fairly well he knew what I meant.

“You know I didn’t.” He rolled his eyes.

“No. I don’t.” I scoffed.

“Come on, Rom. Don’t be like that.” He half pleaded.

“Be like what?” I demanded. “She sent you nudes, Luke!”

“And I didn’t ask for them!” He argued.

“Texts can be deleted, Luke! There’s no way I could possibly tell!” Luke stood.

“So you’re accusing me of cheating, then?!” He yelled.

“I don’t know, Luke!”

“Then why are you here?!?!” He blurted out.

“Obviously to fuck you and then leave!” I scoffed, biting my lip.

“Really?” He challenged, throwing his phone onto his dresser.

“Maybe I’ll call you when I figure it out.” I grumbled, grabbing my bag and leaving.




“I’m sorry, Romy.” Luke stared down at me. He had texted me this morning, asking for me to come over so we could talk, and I had replied around nine o’clock at night, about eleven hours later, telling him I’d be over in a few minutes. I took a while to think, and I’m still not sure. Now, I’m stood in his room as he is apologizing to me. “I fucked up.” He shrugged, sighing. “Are you mad?” Instead of replying, I merely crashed into him, holding onto him with my arms tightly wrapped around his waist and my face buried in his chest. His arms flung around my shoulder as he kissed my head.

“I don’t want to keep fighting like this, Luke.” I whimpered, holding onto him tightly. After what seemed like an eternity of blissful silence, Luke finally let go of me.

“Cuddles?” He asked, gesturing to his bed.

“Cuddles.” I agreed, crawling under his sheets and changed the channel on his telly whilst he adjusted himself behind me.


We weren’t cuddling for long, when Kaylee and Ash showed up at Luke’s barging in the room.

“I told you we’d be interrupting something!” Kaylee nagged,

“You’re not interrupting anything.” Luke denied, his voice raspy as if he’d just woke up. I hadn’t even realized he fell asleep until his arm untied from my body and he sat up with unruly hair.

“Told you.” Ash directed to Kaylee as they moved to the bed, sitting on the edge.

“We were bored.” Kaylee explained.

“She was bored. I was not.” Ashton smirked as she rolled her eyes.

“We were sleeping.” Luke noted.

“You were sleeping. I was not.” I mocked Ashton, causing us all to laugh quietly.




Kaylee and Ashton ended up staying at Luke’s through three films and an episode of Friends. I couldn’t wait until we were alone again, and when we finally were, I couldn’t help but press my lips roughly against his and straddle his lap, tangling my hands in his hair. We were quickly interrupted by Luke’s phone ringing. I couldn’t help but glance down to see that it was his mum.

“Hello?” He answered, giving me an apologetic smile. “What? Hold on a second mum.” He slid me off his lap, standing up and exiting the room. I was alone for about ten minutes, when Luke came back, his face flat and pale. “My grandma passed away.” He spoke.

Make it Stop ⇼  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now