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“Romina Baker.” A voice sneered as soon as Luke kissed me goodbye.

“Madison Brown.” I sneered right back, quirking an eyebrow. “What do you want?” Her too-glossed lips curved into a vindictive smile.

“What do you think I want?” Her squeaky voice bothered me.

“I don’t know, Madison. That’s why I asked.” I rolled my eyes.

“I want you to stay away from Luke! He’s mine!” Her face turned red.

“Oh?” I challenged. “Is your name on him? No? I didn’t think so.” I began to turn away, only to be yanked back. She glared at me. “He’s mine now.” I spat.
“He’s yours?” She inquired. “What makes you think he’d want you? Who in their right mind would? He loves me. He’ll always love me. You better back off!” She pushed my shoulder, causing me to stumble back and clench my jaw.

“Excuse me?” I began to get angry. “Listen, princess! Luke doesn’t love you. You left him, he’s mine now. There’s nothing you can do about that, and if you don’t like it, then fuck you!” I pushed her back, regretting it immediately, as she brought her hand up, smacking me across the cheek.

“I always win, bitch.” She growled, strutting away on her heels.

“Slut.” I couldn’t help but mutter as I walked away, but I knew she was right. If she really wanted Luke back, she’d get him in a second. It’s only a matter of time, now. She’s going to win, she always has.




“Hey Romy.” Calum spoke, leaning on my locker.

“Hey Cal. How are you?” He shrugged, staring at the books in his hands.

“The other girls ditched today.” He informed me.

“I know.” A dry laugh escaped my lips as I closed my locker, walking with him.

“Why didn’t you?”

“I don’t know, I had a big test.” I lied, although he knew the real reason.

“Don’t you mean you wanted to see Luke?” Rolling my eyes, I pushed him.

“Calum.” My tone was serious as he held his hand up in defense. “You better not tell.” He mumbled a yeah, causing me to stop in my tracks. “I’m serious.” I pleaded. “I need to tell them myself.” I began walking with him once again.

“I won’t.” He promised, ruffling my hair. “When are you telling them?” We walked into our maths class together, sitting next to one another.

“I haven’t decided yet.” I sighed.


“How are things going with your mum, then?” He changed the subject, I scoffed.

“Horribly.” I admitted. “I mean, not as bad as my dad. My mum’s cool, but Owen is pretty shitty.” I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah? How so?”

“He has the nerve to make my mum tell me that Luke is no good. My mum loves Luke! He’s a manipulator! He’s an arse, I can’t stand him!” Cal raised an eyebrow.

“Sounds shitty.” He agreed, turning to the front as our teacher began the lesson.




Ash, Mikey, Luke, Cal, and I are sat at lunch, not speaking much, as typically Kaylee and Steph started conversation. Madison Brown walked past our lunch table with her skanks and stopped, glaring at me before slapping the table directly in front of my lunch.

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