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“Have I told you how beautiful you look?” Luke asked as he drove. Our date was lovely, full of laughter, the waitress telling us we were an adorable couple, and Luke’s attempt to lure me in with dumb jokes. He held my hand, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles and kissing it lightly.

“About twelve times.” I giggled, scooting closer to him, as if that was even possible. “I had a really nice time, Luke.” I smiled. “Thank you, honestly. It was so lovely.” Grinning at me, he played with his lip ring.

“It was my treat, baby.” I kissed his cheek. “Do you want to come back to mine? We can watch a film.”





Luke and I were sat on his couch, my head on his chest, as he slowly rubbed my arm in a warming gesture. We were watching the new Spider Man 2 film, I was wearing his boxers and shirt. About halfway through, we heard the door open. Assuming it was just one of the boys, we remained on the couch.

“Lucas!” A woman’s voice called. “We’re home!” It was Liz, her heels clicked against the wood floor as she walked into the living room. Attempting to pull away, Luke tightened his grip on me, gleaming at his mum.

“Hey mum.” He smiled warmly as she walked over, kissing his forehead, I vaguely noticed Ben, Jack, and Luke’s dad walk up the stairs.

“Hello, Romina!” She smiled, her eyes falling to where Luke’s hand secured my waist.

“We’ve to go.” Luke answered for me as my face turned bright red. “I have to go take Romy home.” Liz’s smile faded.

“Oh, no. Don’t just leave because I’m here.” She insisted. “I can go upstairs!” She attempted to walk away as Luke and I stood.

“No, Mrs. Hemmings. It’s my curfew, I have to go anyways.” I insisted, accepting her hug before Luke put his hand on my waist, urging me outside to his car.


The short ride to my house was silent, Luke insisted on seeing me to the door, pulling me to him by my hips, kissing me gently.

“Can I see you tomorrow?” He asked quietly, his face nuzzled in the crook of my neck as we hugged,

“Maybe.” I teased, pulling away from him and staring up, my hands on his chest as he looked down, kissing me briefly.

“I love you.” He assured me, beginning to walk back to his car.


“Luke!” I called after him with a small smile playing at my lips. “Come here.” I told him once he turned back to me. He sauntered over with a smirk.

“Yeah, baby?” He asked quietly. I caught him off guard by pressing my lips roughly against his, holding his cheeks as his hands slipped around my waist, pulling me so our chests connected, deepening the kiss as our tongues danced together. When I finally pulled away, we were trying to catch our breath.

“I love you.” I confessed before I could stop myself, causing silly grins to spread over both our faces, sharing a small laugh. I’m sure Luke could hear my pounding heart.

“You do?” He asked once our laughter died down, biting his lip.

“Yeah.” I blushed, kissing him once again.

“You left your dress at my house.” He reminded me once we separated.

“Half of my wardrobe is at your house.” I joked, earning a small laugh. “I’ll probably get it back sometime.” Luke smiled, kissing me once more before I finally let him go back to his car.

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