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“Hey.” Luke whispered as he awkwardly stepped in our shared room.

“Hi.” We’d been ignoring each other since our fight in the car this morning, and I wasn’t sure whether I was ready to face him. Instead, I paid attention to my phone. I went to bed an hour and a half before everyone else, in hopes to fall asleep before he came in, but instead I tossed and turned thinking about Luke’s tendency to say whatever is on his mind before thinking it through.

“Is it alright if I sleep in here?” He asked, “Or should I sleep on the couch?” I shrugged.

“Do whatever you want.” I rasped. He slowly came over to the bed, sitting with his back turned to me.

“I’m sorry that I’m a shit boyfriend.” He confessed. “I don’t know why I say the things I do or why I blow everything out of proportion. I’m trying really hard to be a good person and not to lose my temper everyday, but it’s so hard.” He paused, glancing at me. “I need you, Romy. And I’ve never needed anyone. But since I met you. I’ve just… I’ve always needed you. You’re the only one I’ll ever need. And I’m really sorry.” When I didn’t answer, he continued. "I've been thinking about it all day, and it was just so stupid. I just don't want that to be the way we end, Romy. I think we have a good thing going and I know I can't stop fucking up, but I don't want to be without you. Im sorry." He rambled on. I stood up, and by the look on his face I could tell he was anticipating the moment I walked away from him. But instead, I ambled around the bed, sitting on his lap with my arms wrapping around his neck as my head routinely fell on his shoulder.

"Im sorry, too." I whispered. Luke's arms wrapped around me and I felt safe again.




"You smell like campfire." Romy noted, laughing quietly.

"You smell good." She smelt like her girly shampoo—the kind I loved, and I couldn't help but close my eyes and take in her scent as she relaxed into me. It felt so good to hold her after a long day of us being so angry at each other.

"Luke?" She asked after a while.


"I was really sad this morning when I woke up and you were gone." She admitted. My heart broke at her honesty.

"Im sorry." I whispered, kissing the top of her head.


"I wish I could hold your hand around them. I wish we could be happy like them." She changed the subject, breathing slowly.

"I do, too." I sighed. "I want us to be happy more than anything."

"Luke?" She asked, her voice quiet and signaling that she was getting tired.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"Nevermind." She countered, snuggling deeper into my neck. I felt her eyelashes graze my skin as she closed her hazel eyes. "Im so tired." She mumbled.

"Go to sleep, baby." I urged. My fingertips traced her back as she snuggled into me.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" She asked, sleepily.

"Kaylee is going on a date with Ash. El and Mikey are heading up to the beach with Steph and Cal. Do you want to go on a picnic?" I asked, but got no answer. When I looked down, I saw that she was sleeping and couldn't help but chuckle. She's so beautiful when she's asleep—she’s always so beautiful. I moved slowly, careful not to wake her as I lifted her small body, setting her on the bed and pulling the blanket over her. As soon as I got in the bed, she unconsciously rolled over to me, cuddling next to be with her head on my chest. I pulled her closer, wrapping by arms around her and falling asleep quickly.




I woke up to Romy gasping, pulling out of my grip as she sprung up, her breathing erratic.

“What’s wrong?” I asked in a quiet,  raspy voice as she calmed herself down.

“Nothing.” She whispered. “Just a bad dream.” It was already nine in the morning, but it felt Like I’ve only got five minutes of sleep. As I put my hands behind my head, Romy lied back down, her head on my bicep. She cuddled into me as we kissed goodmorning. “What’s on the agenda for today?” She asked, completely oblivious that she had asked the same exact thing last night. I smiled at her. She’s so goddamn cute, I just can’t stand it. The cabin was silent, I assumed everyone left.

“Kaylee and Ash are going on a date. Steph, Cal, Mikey, and Ella went to the beach.”

“And what are we doing?” She asked, standing up and searching her bag for clothes.

“A picnic!” I smiled, exiting the room so she could change.  


We were sat in the field behind the cabin, on a blanket as we prepared sandwiches in a deep conversation about horror films and the order in which the characters die off, when Romy’s phone rang. She answered it with a confused look, as it was an unknown number.

“Hello?………Uh, yeah this is Romina………I’m sorry, what?………O-One moment.” Her face fell, her beautiful smile disappearing as she looked up at me. “Excuse me, Luke. I have to take this. I promise I’ll be quick.” She moved the phone away from her face as she stood, I nodded, telling her it was okay and watched her disappear into the cabin.




My phone rang, interrupting the moment Luke and I were sharing. I gave him an apologetic smile, answering it despite the fact that it was an unknown number.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Hi.” A woman's voice spoke. It was sweet and slow. “May I speak to Romina Baker?” I raised an eyebrow, picking the grass.

“Uh, yeah this is Romina?” It came out as more of a question.

“Romy.” The voice croaked. “This is your mother.”

“I’m sorry, what?” I asked, almost positive it was a crank call.

“Romy, darling. This is your mum. Are you alone? Can we talk?”

“O-One moment.” Apologizing to Luke, I scurried up and into the cabin.

Make it Stop ⇼  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now