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Luke and I are sprawled out on my bed, his feet propped up on a pillow he’d thrown toward the end of the bed when we got to my house, and his arms behind his head as he watched telly. My ankles were crossed as my head lied on the bare mattress, my pillow had fallen to the floor, and I was far too lazy to pick it up. He and I were watching Aladdin, and not speaking too much, as he was consumed in his phone like always. I picked at the skin around my nails. They looked so horrible. We’ve been in the same positions for about two hours. School had gotten out early today, which is quite odd for a Tuesday. But, hey, if we get out at 10:40am regardless of the day, I’m happy.

“Romy!” Luke groaned, throwing his phone on the bed.

“Yeah, bae?” He glanced at me as I used the terminology he hated.

“I like your shirt.” He poked my stomach, causing me to giggle.

“Thought you would.”

I’m bored.” He sighed.

“You’re always bored.” I corrected. “How can you be bored? We’re watching Aladdin!” I joked, earning a playful eyeroll.


“I want to do something.” He ignored his phone as it went off, tying our hands together as he played with my fingers.

“Like what?” He shrugged.

“I don’t know!” He laughed. “Movies, lunch, drag me to the mall and make me sit around while you try on clothes, take me to do your dumb girly things. I’m bored! I want to get out of the house.” I sighed, shaking my head as I smiled at our connected hands.

“I can guarantee you that if I take you to do my dumb girly things, you’ll be twice as bored.” Luke frowned.

“You don’t want to take me?” He pretended to be hurt.

“It’s not that.” I laughed. “You’re going to be bored.” I insisted.

“I have to get used to it sooner or later. I mean if we’re going to get marri-” I cut him off.

“That’s really corny.” I teased, standing up and detaching our hands, bringing myself to the mirror and looking at myself. “You’re just going to be on your phone the whole time, anyways.” Luke stood, grabbing his phone and turning it off, sliding it in my back pocket as he positioned himself behind me, setting his hands on my waist and his chin on my shoulder.

“I’m all yours.” He smiled.


“I guess I need to get my eyebrows done.” I examined myself in the mirror. “I could go for a manicure, too.” Luke smiled.

“See! Take me to do your dumb things which you deem essential.” He nearly begged.

“Are you sure?” I asked, turning to him. “You’re going to get bored.” Luke groaned.

“Yes, let’s just go. I don’t want to be here anymore.” Without any further objection, he pulled me out of the door.




Luke and I went to a nail salon, where I got my eyebrows waxed and was in the midst of getting a manicure. No longer than ten minutes into the visit, I noticed Luke slumped in the waiting chairs, flipping through girly magazines at first, and then opted to sulk in the chair, watching as different ladies came in and out. His phone was still in my pocket, and despite the fact that he tried to come retrieve it, the workers yelled at him for crossing the invisible line between the waiting area and the working area. I tried to offer him a small smile, as he’d been waiting for almost an hour while my fingers sat under the dryer, but he sighed in return. After a few minutes, he came to sit next to me. The workers seemed to consider yelling at him again, but saw that he was with me and opted out.

Make it Stop ⇼  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now