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Luke and I decided to ditch school and hang out at my house, as mum and Owen were not home. He hadn’t been on his phone much, as he had been in a bit of a cranky mood when we decided to ditch, and continued to be so throughout the day, with occasional sweet moments.

“That top looks really good on you.” Luke mumbled against my neck as he held me. He’s slowly transitioning back to normal Luke, but still impacted by his grandmum’s death.

“I thought you’d like it.” I joked, playfully rolling my eyes as I turned my body to face him. Luke pecked my nose before smiling lightly, kissing my lips.

“It-” He paused, kissing me. “Really shows off-” Again, he kissed me. “You know.” I couldn’t help but giggle and swat his chest, turning back to the telly and wriggling around to get comfortable again. Luke strained a moan before grabbing my hips. “Stop moving.” He ordered.

“Sorry.” I blushed, realizing my arse was pressed up against his jeans.


Luke’s content mood didn’t last for long. His phone went off, and he stopped holding me, sitting up and against the headboard as he began to type away.

“Who are you texting?” I asked, following in his steps and sitting up. He didn’t answer. I set my head on his shoulder, trying to steal a glance at his phone. Luke shrugged me off and kept texting. I sighed when he finally set his phone down, trying to hold his hand. Luke immediately pulled away, mumbling for me to stop. “I just want to cuddle.” I frowned, setting my head on his shoulder.

“Romy.” He warned, shrugging me off again. “You’re annoying me. Please stop.” With a disgruntled sigh, I crossed my arms and began watching the telly again.




Text from: Madison.

Hey cutie. ;)


Text from: Luke:

We have to talk.


Text from: Madison:

About what, baby?


Text from: Luke.

You and I. Madison, I can’t keep talking to you.


Text from: Madison.

What the fuck, Luke? Why the hell not?


Text from: Luke.

I have to be faithful to Romy. I need her.


Text from: Madison.

It’s not like you aren’t.


Text from: Luke.

It still upsets her. I’m done with this shit.


Make it Stop ⇼  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now