Chapter 3

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After what felt like ages, Sarah and I were finally able to bring Rilynn home with us. All of the paperwork was finished, the home checks completed and approved, and the agency Rilynn is connected to decided she was fit to be adopted by us. Finally, all the headache was over. Finally, I had a girl to call my daughter. Once she was ready, of course. She's only 9, and I was sure the transition was going to be hard for her.

I decided to organize a get together to introduce her to everyone. We invited friends and family. It was just going to be a cookout at our house and some swimming, maybe a few drinks. We were driving back from the foster home when I mentioned it.

"So, Rilynn, I planned to introduce you to everyone you'll see quite a bit of," I said from the driver's seat. "We're going to have a cookout and swim in our pool with some people tonight, to get you associated with everyone and to introduce you to them. We decided to keep it a surprise from them. Sarah can take you shopping at the mall, if you want, to get some new clothes." She nodded from the backseat, staring out the window.

When we got home, Sarah took Rilynn to the mall to pick out an outfit for tonight and some extra clothes or anything she wanted. I handed Sarah my debit card and went inside the house with Rilynn's bag. I took her bag to the unfinished bedroom upstairs and worked on it a little bit before going downstairs and getting dinner started. All we had to supply we're hotdogs and hamburgers. Everyone else was being drinks and desserts and such. I set the buns and paper plates on the counter and checked the time. I had more time than I thought, so I went upstairs and worked on her room for twenty minutes. Then I started the grill. 

I was grilling in the back on the deck when I got a message from Pete.

Pete: meg and I are almost there. Where we meeting?

Brendon: backyard. Bring the booze.

Pete: got it. Be there in 3

Sure enough, Pete arrived with his girlfriend, Meagan. She was carrying a bag that had chips in it, while Pete had a case of beer. Meagan's stomach was swollen with the weight of her pregnancy.

"Where's the little man?" I asked as they walked over.

"Ashlee's," Meagan answered, a hand on her stomach.

"I wanted to bring Bronx, because I figured he'd be fine, but Ashlee wanted him this week. I didn't argue because she's let me have him more than we originally agreed lately." 

I nodded. "Just set it on the table. Sarah will be back soon. She had to run an errand." When the car pulled in the driveway, I walked up front and Sarah said she'd take Rilynn upstairs until everyone got here. I nodded and headed back to the back where Pete and Meagan were.

When everyone got to the house, I went upstairs to tell Sarah. I knocked on the door and she opened it. Rilynn was sitting on the bed in a pair of jean shorts and a Panic! T-shirt.


There was a knock on the door and Sarah opened it. Brendon looked at me and smiled.

"Everyone's here, and they're getting hungry. You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," I replied. I stood up and followed Brendon and Sarah down the stairs and to the back door. Brendon walked out first.

"I know you guys are hungry, but before we start eating and having fun, Sarah and I have an announcement to make!" Sarah walked out and I stayed back.

"Oh my god, are you pregnant?" someone asked. Brendon laughed.

"Not quite," he said. "I want to introduce Rilynn, our daughter." I walked out shyly and stood next to Brendon. "The adoption was finalized this morning." Two people walked up and hugged Sarah and Brendon.

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