Chapter 25

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When Rilynn woke up screaming and crying, I felt as though the world were crumbling beneath our feet. I knew she was in pain. I knew she had been hiding it all night. I knew she had hit the ground hard when she fell. But she didn't say anything. I should have known better.

While Brendon sat with her, I stepped away to call Zack. When he answered, I almost couldn't bring myself to speak. I was crying. I could still hear Rilynn screaming and crying. I had no doubt Brendon was in there trying to calm her down, waiting for the doctors to help her. 

"Sarah, what's going on?" Zack asked as I cried. "Where are you? Where's Brendon?"

"We're at the hospital," I choked out as I sobbed.

"What happened? Is it Rilynn?" There was some scuffle in the background and the faint sound of groggy voices. "It's Sarah," Zack said to whoever was with him. "They're at the hospital."

"It's Rilynn," I sobbed. "She was screaming and crying. Her legs got injured in the fall before dinner. She didn't say anything all night."

"Do you want us to come down there?" Zack asked.

"No, just sleep," I said through my tears. "I'll call or I'll have Brendon call you in the morning and tell you what happened."

"Are you sure, Sarah?" Zack asked.

"Yes, I'm sure," I said. "I'll talk to you later, Zack."

"Alright, Sarah," he sighed. "We'll be waiting for your call."

We hung up and I went back to Brendon and Rilynn, who was still crying. The doctors were taking their sweet time getting to her. At least, until someone walked into the ER with a white coat and a stern face.

"Why is there someone screaming so loudly!" he barked. Rilynn continued to scream and cry as if she hadn't heard him. I sat next to the bed, sobbing, trying to compose myself. He turned to one of the doctors. "Well don't just stand there! Whose patient is that?"

"No one's," he replied. "We're swamped here. No one has had any time."

"Well you should be making time!" he yelled. "Since no one else is bothering to take care of the patients in my ER, I'll just have to do it myself!" 

He walked over to us as Rilynn continued to cry and I tried to steady my breathing. Brendon held her to his chest and tried to comfort her, but she continued to cry and scream.

"I'm terribly sorry about the wait," he said. "Most of the good doctors that work down here aren't on call, so I have to deal with these people. So, what seems to be the problem?"

"Our daughter, Rilynn," Brendon explained while I continued to cry. "We were in a bad car accident several months ago. She got the worst of it, and had to have multiple surgeries. One of them was on her spine. Earlier today, she fell and hit the ground really hard. She hurt her legs really bad, but she didn't say anything. We didn't know until she woke up screaming and crying."

"Alright, we'll get her taken care of," he said gently. "I can give her some morphine for the pain, and then we'll take her up for some scans and see what the problem is. Does that sound okay to you?" Brendon nodded and they both looked at me. "That's okay, we get emotional moms all the time. I'll take good care of her."

He put in an IV and gave her some morphine. He told us that it would take a minute or two for the drug to kick in, and that he'd be back later to check on us. Brendon held Rilynn and she cried as we waited for the morphine to kick in. She clutched Brendon's shirt tightly in her small fists. Eventually she stopped screaming, but she was still crying. She mumbled inaudible words between sobs. When the doctor came back, he had Brendon get up up and move Rilynn onto a second bed. Rilynn held onto him, not wanting him to let go of her.

"Ri, honey, the doctor is going to take you to get some scans so that he can help you feel better," Brendon whispered gently. "We'll be right down here the whole time, and we'll come see you as soon as you're done, okay?"

"I want Dal," she whispered as tears streamed down her pink cheeks.

"We'll call him and tell him to get his ass down here, okay? You don't worry about it. He'll be here when you get done." Rilynn nodded and hugged Brendon tightly before letting go and laying back on the bed. She watched us until she couldn't see us anymore as she was rolled away to get scans. Brendon ran a hand through his hair and pulled out his phone. "I'll call Dallon. Sarah, you should sit down. I'll go get you something to drink. Do you want me to get you anything to eat?" I shook my head. He kissed the top of my head and I led me into the waiting room, sitting me down in a chair and walking off.


Rilynn gave us such a scare, and Sarah was worrying me. She looked pale and sick. I knew she was worried about Rilynn, but she also needed to take care of herself. I had to take care of my family. I called Dallon, just like I told Rilynn I would. It took him a while to answer.

"Hello?" he asked sleepily. 

"Sorry to wake you," I said. "Listen, Dallon, I need you to come to the hospital."

"Do I need to wake the others?" he asked.

"No, don't wake them up," I said. "Rilynn asked for you. They just took her up to get some scans."

"I'll be right over," he said. "I'll see you in a little bit, Bren."

After I got off the phone with Dallon, I got Sarah a bottle of water and something to eat out of the vending machine. She said she wasn't hungry, but she needed to eat. I took it back to the waiting room where I'd left Sarah, but she wasn't there. I looked around the room, but she was nowhere to be seen.

*Guess I'm actually finishing up the final chapter of this book yikes 😬 don't worry though, I'll definitely be writing a sequel! See y'all in the next chapter!

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