Chapter 29

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We eventually had to drop Mom off at the airport. She asked me several times throughout the day if I was sure I wanted to stay. I told her I was sure, and that I would be fine. I had Dad, and Dallon, and Spencer, and Kenny, and Zack. She hugged me tightly one last time and kissed my forehead while we stood in the middle of the airport.

"I love you, sweetheart," she said. "I'll see you when tour is over, okay? Be good for the others, don't cause too much trouble, have fun. We'll talk about the school situation when you get home, okay?"

"Okay, Mom," I said, hugging her for a final time before she had to leave. "I love you, too. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too," she said. She hugged Dad before walking away to board her plane back home to LA. Dad picked me up and carried me on his shoulders through the airport and back out to the bus. Everyone else had stayed in the bus to wait for us. When we got back, Dad put me down and we boarded the bus again, starting the trip to the next city. About halfway there, we stopped for something to eat.

"Where do you want me to take you?" the driver asked. 

"Where do you want to eat, Ri?" Dad asked.

"Can we get Wendy's?" I asked, hopeful. 

"Yeah, I think they have one somewhere around here," he said. He walked up to the driver. "Just take us to the nearest Wendy's."

We drove through the night and arrived at the next location the following morning. Dad said we could do touristy stuff before soundcheck later that night. We walked around the city, Zack close at our heels. There weren't any reporters around, but we saw some fans walking. I'd never been to Canada before, so I found everything fascinating. If I wasn't on Dad's shoulders, I was nearly hanging off Dallon or Spencer. I didn't want to walk because I wanted to save my energy for the show that night. Dad said I could go onstage with them during the concert if I wanted. I wasn't going to play anything because I hadn't played since before the accident. I didn't want to go out there and mess up in front of all those people.

During sound check, I walked around in the seating areas and explored that part of the stadium. Dad didn't want me to go too far so I didn't get lost. There was a lot of security all around the building that watched me as I walked by. After they finished sound check, we went out and got something to eat before heading back to the arena to wait backstage. We sat in the dressing room and talked about the plan for that night's show. I was going to wait until they called me out on stage, then I'd spend the show on stage jumping around with Dad and Dallon and Kenny while Spencer sat playing drums. Just a short few hours later, you could hear the loud buzz of fans gathering outside.

"Can I go walk by the line?" I asked, looking at Dad. "I just want to see all the people who came. I'll stay with whatever security you want to put with me."

"Zack, can you go with her?" Dad asked, turning to Zack. "I want to run through some things a few more times with Dallon and Spencer and Kenny before the show."

"Yeah, I can go," he said. "There's plenty of security around here if you need it."

"Thanks, Zack," Dad said. Zack stood from the stool he'd been sitting on beside the door and I got up off the couch. Dad hugged me and told me to keep my phone on me in case I happened to lose Zack. I nodded and put my phone in my front pocket, covering it with my shirt. I bounded over to where Zack was waiting for me and we made our trek outside.

We walked out the front door and Zack stayed pretty close to me. People were lined up, waiting to get inside. The lines were so long. Everyone was talking with each other, and didn't notice us walk out the building. I walked alongside the line of people, Zack on my other side. I felt my nerves getting the better of me as I saw all of the people that would watching us. I still kept a smile on my face as I walked past them all. Eventually, down the line, someone recognized us and started asking me to sign something and get a picture. I looked up at Zack and he nodded. We stopped next to her and she looked just a few years older than me.

"Hi," I smiled. 

"Hi, oh my gosh, I'm freaking out right now," she said, grinning. "Can you sign my shirt?"

"Yeah, of course I can," I said, laughing a little. I loved the fans. They were mostly really nice and always excited to meet us. The girl handed me a Sharpie and bent down low enough for me to sign the top of her shirt.

"Thank you so much!" she said. "Can I get a picture too? It would be so great to show my little sister I met you."

"Yeah, sure," I smiled. "Zack can take a picture for us." The girl handed her phone to Zack and I stood next to her. Zack took a picture for us and handed her back her phone. "Tag me on Instagram and send it to me," I said, smiling. "I'd love to have the picture myself." She nodded, still grinning, and we moved on down the line. My nerves had lowered and I was more excited than nervous now. The fans were almost always so amazing. 

We were stopped a couple of times and people asked me to say hi to Dad for them. I followed a couple on Instagram and decided I would like a couple of their pictures later. When we reached close to the end of the ever-growing line, I told everyone to have a good time, be safe, and enjoy the show. Then Zack walked closely next to me as we walked back up the line and went in through the side doors. We walked back to the backstage and Dad and the others were helping set up the stage for the opening acts. I ran up to Dad and jump on his back while he was bent down. He turned his head and smiled.

"Hey, kiddo," he smiled. "How was walking down the line?"

"It was good," I said. "I talked to some of them and got pictures. Some asked me if I would say hi to you for them. So hi from the fans." I smiled and hugged him around the back of the neck. "I love you, Dad," I whispered, remembering the crash and everything that happened.

"I love you too, kiddo," he replied, "but what's that all about? It was kind of out of the blue. Is everything okay?"

"I just don't feel like I say it enough," I whispered. He sighed and I got off his back. He stood up, turned around, and picked me up.

"Baby, I know life is short, but you don't have to say that you love me," he whispered. "I already know. And you should know that I'll always love you. No matter what. I love you forever and always."

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