Chapter 5

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We had lunch with the rest of Brendon's band the next day. Spencer and Dallon were nice. They didn't mention the party from my first day, which I was grateful for. They asked about things I liked and what I thought about living here with Brendon and Sarah.

"I like it here a lot better than my foster home. Brendon and Sarah take care of me in a way my foster parents were never capable of. My foster parents were the type of people who had different things on their minds. They were worried about other things, so a couple of the older foster kids took care of me. But they couldn't take care of me like Brendon and Sarah. I guess it's just nice to have people who actually care about you."

"So your foster parents didn't care what happened to you?" Spencer asked.

"No, that's not it," I answered. "They cared, just not in the way Brendon and Sarah do. They cared about my physical health, my schoolwork, and my behavior. They wanted me to be alive and get good grades and be a disciplined child, because as long as I was all those things, the state payed them well. Brendon and Sarah are different because they care about everything. They don't just limit their care to certain things, like my foster parents did."

"Do you like music?" Dallon asked, changing the subject. I shrugged.

"We didn't get to listen to much music in the foster home. My foster parents were strict about the kind of music we listened to. They didn't want us to get any ideas from music. One time, when I was at recess at school, one of the kids in my class was playing music, so I listened. I can't remember what it was, but it was really good. I'd definitely know it if I heard it again."

After lunch, Brendon went with Dallon and Spencer to work on something for the band. Sarah and I went home. They offered to take me with them, but I didn't want to get in the way, so I declined and went home with Sarah. While we were in the car, a song came on the radio. It sounded familiar.

"Can you turn it up?" I asked from the backseat. Sarah nodded and turned up the music. I listened closely, and realized it was one of the songs that the kid in my class played at recess. "This is it! This is the song I was talking about!" I saw Sarah look back at me in the rear view mirror, smiling.

"This is one of the songs Brendon's band wrote," she replied happily. "He'll be glad to know you enjoy it."

When we got home, I went upstairs and watched a movie in my room. I tweeted about lunch with Dallon and Spencer and watched as the notifications exploded. I replied to a couple of them, but there were so many.


When we'd gotten home, I texted Brendon first thing.

Sarah💕: We found the song she'd said she'd liked at lunch. It was playing on radio.

Bren❤️: Really? That's great! What song was it?

Sarah💕: It was Casual Affair ❤️ She loves your music, Bren ❤️

Bren❤️: That's amazing! I'll teach her how to play guitar or bass if she's interested so she can play any song she wants. Wanna ask her for me?

Sarah💕: Sure, B

I walked upstairs and knocked on her bedroom. I heard her pause the TV and a short bit later she opened the door. She held it open and invited me in. I sat on the end of her bed.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Brendon would like to know if you want to learn to play an instrument," I said. "He can play a lot of different things, so he's willing to teach you if you want." She smiled.

"I'd love to," she replied. "It sounds like a lot of fun." I hugged her and then stood up.

"I'll let him know," I smiled  softly. "They shouldn't be too much longer at the studio. And then Pete has to come by later because he has to talk to Brendon about something. Your welcome to do whatever you'd like. You don't have to listen to them. It's probably about business anyways." She nodded and I smiled before walking out, closing the door behind me.

Sarah💕: She said she'd love to learn to play something

Bren❤️: Great! I'll take her into the studio later when I get back and she can pick out something to play. We should be done in like 10.

Sarah💕: See ya then❤️


I got a text from Brendon a little while after Sarah came to talk to me. I looked at the message and replied.

Brendon: I'll be home soon. When I get back, I'll take you into the studio to start your first lesson❤️

BabyUrie👧🏽: Okay

I then turned my movie back on and occupied myself until I heard the door open fifteen minutes later. I paused my movie and skipped down the stairs. Then I ran to the front door and jumped into Brendon's arms. He picked me up and hugged me tightly. I didn't know what got into me. I just had the urge to be hugged tightly, and Brendon was the perfect fit. He carried me out to the studio next to the pool and opened the door. Then he turned on the light and set me down. I stared in awe at the instruments and equipment in the studio.

"Take your pick, kiddo," he smiled. "I'll teach you how to play whatever you want." I looked around the room and decided.

"I want to learn how to play the bass guitar," I stated proudly, looking up at him. A wide grin spread across his face and he reached for one of the basses off the wall. 

He sat down with the bass and played a bit of a song before motioning for me to sit on his lap. He set the bass in front of me and placed my hands on it. We'd only gotten through a couple of cords when the door opened. Sarah and Pete were standing in the doorway. Brendon smiled and set down the bass, and I climbed off his lap. Then he picked me up and carried me back to the house, where he and Pete talked about band stuff. I listened intently. I wanted to know everything. I drank in the information and I looked back and forth between the two the entire time they spoke.

Pete stayed for dinner, but had to leave after. Brendon taught me a little more bass before I had to go to bed. I went to bed that night happier than ever.

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