Chapter 9

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When we got back to the dressing room, we talked to Sarah on FaceTime for a bit before Dallon and Spencer came back. Then we waited until they had the limo pulled around and ready to take us to the hotel. When it was waiting for us, we stepped outside to find a large crowd of people. I grabbed Brendon's hand and walked alongside him. Security had the people held back, but someone pushed through and ran at us. Brendon shoved me back behind him at Dallon and took the force of the man. Our road manager/security, Zack, grabbed the man by his shoulders and ripped him off Brendon.

"Come on, man!" he screamed at Zack, struggling. "Let go of me!"

"You need to go back to the barricade," Zack said to the man.

"Let go!" The man continued to yell. 

He tried to yell at Brendon and say some stuff about him. He called him some awful names and Brendon tried to help Zack get him back behind the barricade that he'd jumped. Suddenly another man jumped the barricade and ran over to Zack. He grabbed the other man by the arms, ripping him out of Zack's hold, and shoving him into the barricade. Two security guards grabbed the first man and Zack moved to grab the second, but he turned around and said something to Zack that I couldn't hear. I was crying as I held on to Dallon's side. Dallon held one arm around me as he watched the scene unfolding in front of us.

"Is she okay?" the second man asked when he'd reached Dallon and I. He bent down to be about the same height as I was. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" I shook my head and he smiled. He took something out of his pocket and held out his closed fist. I slowly and cautiously reached out my hand and he placed something in my palm, closing my fist gently around it. He smiled and stood up before walking away. Before he climbed over the barrier, Brendon called out for him.

"Wait!" he said. He took out a pen from his pocket and walked over to the man. "Is there something you want me to sign? Anything I can do? As a thank you." He glanced into the crowd and smiled. He reached over the barricade and helped a little girl forward. She looked about my age.

"This is my daughter, Olivia," he said. "She's a huge fan and this is her very first concert."

"Hi, Brendon," she said with a smile on her face. Brendon bent down, smiling. He signed something for her and hugged her and they got a picture. She waved to me as her and her dad were taken back behind the barricades. I stuck by Dallon for awhile, holding onto his larger hand with both of my smaller ones. They got pictures with fans and signed things while I stayed out of it all. When we got close to the end of the line, Brendon picked me up and lifted me onto his shoulders. I looked out at all the people who'd lined up at the barricades just to maybe see them. The screaming fans and happy faces. The screaming had hurt my ears when I was on the ground, but up here it was different. The noise wasn't caving in around me. Up here, on Brendon's shoulders, the noise was still there and it was still loud, but it wasn't surrounding me. It was just there.

When we reached the end of the line and the limo, Brendon lifted me off his shoulders, waved to the fans one last time, and climbed into the open door. I stepped in after him, Dallon and Spencer behind me. I sat in between Brendon and Dallon; Spencer sat across from us with Zack. Everyone except for me had beer bottles in their hands, laughing and talking as we went back to the hotel. When Brendon had finished his, he set the empty bottle down and put an arm around my shoulders. He smiled at me.

"What did you think of your first show?" Brendon asked.

"It was okay," I said, shrugging. "You guys were really good."

"We try," Dallon laughed. 

"Rilynn, how would you like to-" Brendon started, but he was cut off by something smashing into the side of the limo. 

I felt Brendon's arm leave my shoulders and I flung around. I had my seatbelt on, but it somehow snapped or unclipped in the collision. I hit Zack, and he tried to grab me, but he missed and I was thrown the other way. The doors were smashed open when we rolled. I was flung outside and the car rolled over me. I screamed out in pain and part of a car landed on top of me. I'd hit my head when I'd been flung out. Everything hurt. My head was pounding. There was a ringing in my ears. I couldn't hear anything except the ringing. I couldn't see anything except the hunk of metal crushing my body. I could feel myself fading in and out of consciousness. I needed to get up. I needed to find Brendon. And Dallon. Oh god, Spencer. What happened to him? And what about Zack? I had to get up. I had to find them.


I lost Rilynn. First she was there, then she wasn't. I was lying on the ground with a piece of metal on my legs. I took a deep breath and sat up. I used all my strength to try and move the piece of metal. Sirens were blaring in the background. When I'd finally gotten it off my legs, I realized I couldn't move them. How was I supposed to find Rilynn if I couldn't move?

The ambulances and police cars pulled up onto the side of the road. The police were sectioning off the road and directing traffic. One of the paramedics came straight over to me when he realized I was sitting up.

"Are you okay, sir?" He called as he ran over.

"I need to find my daughter!" I yelled. "Rilynn! Rilynn, where are you?"

"We'll find her, sir, but I need to get you taken care of," he said. "Can you tell me what happened? Where it hurts?"

"We were in a crash," I said, realizing what had happened. Rilynn. . . . "My daughter, she was flung from the car. Her seatbelt snapped, or something. She had it on, I swear. The car rolled a couple of times. There were five of us, plus the driver. You have to find the others. You have to find my daughter. She has to be okay."

"We'll find her, sir, I promise," he said. "Can you tell me your name? Your daughter's name? Do you know who else was in the car with you?"

"Brendon, that's my name, I think," I said. I wasn't sure. I must have hit my head. "My daughter, she's nine, we just adopted her, my wife and I. Her name is Rilynn. She's a beautiful little girl. Sweet, too. And she loves animals and she plays bass."

"Sir, do you know who else was in the car at the time?" He asked as he tried to work on me.

"My band," I said, furrowing my eyebrows. "Dallon and Spencer. And our road manager was there, too. Zack."

"Okay, sir, we'll find them and they'll go to the hospital to get taken care of," he said. "Now, can you tell me where it hurts?"

"I don't know, my head hurts a little bit," I said.

"Okay, I'm gonna grab a stretcher and we'll get you into an ambulance," he said. He stood up and ran off to get a stretcher. When he came back, he had another paramedic with him. They got me on the stretcher and took me to one of the ambulances.

"You have to find my daughter," I said, panicking slightly.

"We will," they reassured me. They shut the ambulance doors and took me to the nearest hospital.

*Sorry it took so long to get this one out. I have no excuse. I was just lazy. I didn't want to take the time to edit it. But I did it. I got it done. You're welcome. And I'm not sorry for what happened this chapter, but trust me, it gets worse. My two best friends can attest for this :') They've heard these already. But it's okay. It's not going to be bad forever. Have fun ;)

Much love,

A <3

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