Chapter 24

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*There was a mix up in chapter numbers that I didn't notice, so if you're getting this you've probably already read it. 

After Spencer explained everything, he took me back to Mom and Dad. We got ready to go out to a fancy restaurant for dinner. I put on the dress that Mom packed for me and she did my hair (picture minus the choker). Dad had gone to wait for us with the others, because Mom told him he wasn't allowed to see us until we were ready. When Mom had finished with our hair, she handed me a pair of sunglasses and grabbed her purse and her phone. We took a selfie before walking out the door of the hotel room and to the elevator. Everyone else was waiting downstairs in the lobby. When we got off the elevator, Mom took my hand and we walked out. Dallon saw us first.

"Holy-" he started. He didn't finish his sentence. 

Dad and Spencer and Zack looked back at us. A smile spread across Dad's face. He walked over and kissed Mom before taking my other hand and leading us to the others. Dallon smiled down at me before we all walked outside to the tour bus. We would take the tour bus to the restaurant and they'd park somewhere secluded after dropping us off at the door, that way we drew the least amount of attention to ourselves as possible. Zack would walk close to us, so as to block us from crazed fans as well as he could. When we got out of the tour bus, three teenage girls asked for pictures and autographs. Dad agreed and let go of my hand to sign something for each of them and they got a couple pictures. 

Mom let go of my hand long enough to hug each of them and say hi. The next thing I know, I'm tumbling to the ground. I landed on my back and clenched my jaw, trying not to cry out as pain shot through my back to my legs. 

"Rilynn!" Dad said loudly. Zack, who was closest to me, helped me up and I steadied myself on aching legs. Dad came over and crouched down in front of me, asking me if I was okay. I attempted to assure him I was okay, despite all the pain I was in at that moment. The others talked to the three girls and they left after watching to make sure I was okay. I took Dad's hand and tried to cover up my limp as I walked. Dallon watched me nervously and I shook my head a little bit, trying not let Mom and Dad notice. 

We got our table and I sat between Dad and Dallon, trying to hide that fact that my legs were killing me.

"Spencer, I think you've had enough," Dad said warningly, looking at Spencer. Spencer was drinking another alcoholic drink. Spencer sighed and put the drink down. Dad reached over Mom and moved the drink away from Spencer. When the waiter came by, he asked him to bring Spencer a glass of water. I looked at Spencer and smiled, trying to encourage him. I wasn't sure what Dad and Dallon and Zack were thinking, but they all shared a glance. I stayed in my seat all of dinner, not wanting to get up and walk on my aching legs if I could help it. 

After dinner, Zack walked close to me. I heard him ask if my legs were hurting me. "I'm okay," I whispered in reply. Then I tripped over my foot and stumbled forward. Zack grabbed me around the waist to keep me from falling and helped me steady myself. I looked up to see Dad biting his lip as he stood watching, ready to catch me if I tripped again. I held onto Zack's arm until I had regained my balance. Then I let go and walked the rest of the way to the bus without help. When I got inside the bus, I immediately sat down and tried to hide my pain; just like I had all night.

"Rilynn, are you sure you're okay?" Dad asked, sitting next to me. I nodded through the pain. He gave me a look that said he wasn't sure I was telling the truth, but I ignored it. I had to fight through the pain. I couldn't be weak and go crying to my dad when something hurt. I'd never been able to do that, and I wasn't about to start now. 

We went back to the hotel and sat in the room the rest of the band was in, talking and laughing. I smiled the whole time, even though I really wanted to just curl up in a ball and cry through my pain. I knew that everyone knew I was in pain, but nobody said anything. I fell asleep sitting on Dallon's lap that night, and Dad carried me back to our room. He laid me on my bed and pulled the covers up to my chin and kissed my forehead.

"I love you," I mumbled sleepily.

"I love you, too, Princess," he whispered. He turned out the lights and I fell back asleep, trying to tune out the continuous pain in my legs. 

I woke up screaming late into the night. The pain in my legs was unbearable. They ached and hurt so much, I felt as though I were being stabbed in the legs with thousands of knives. My screaming woke Mom and Dad. Dad leapt from the bed where he and Mom had been sleeping. He sat next to me and pulled me onto his lap.

"What's wrong, Rilynn?" he asked, holding me tightly to his chest. I couldn't bring myself to speak. The pain was too much. I just cried, attempting to numb the pain. 

"Her legs," Mom said. "We need to get her to the hospital. It might be something with her legs."

"Of course," Dad whispered. "That has to be it." 

He picked me up and carried me out the door of the hotel room. We took the stairs because Dad didn't want to waste time waiting on the elevator. Mom drove while Dad sat in the back with me. They took me to the nearest hospital and into the ER, where we waited while I cried. I was in so much pain. It wasn't just my legs anymore. My whole body ached. Everything hurt. I cried while Dad held me. We sat on one of the beds in the ER and I bawled my eyes out the whole time.

Broken Promises {Brendon Urie}Where stories live. Discover now