Chapter 30

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I watched from backstage as the arena filled with buzzing people. I was helping get the opening acts ready for their sets. The lights on the stage were on, but no one was out there. We were all backstage waiting. When the lights dimmed, I helped get everyone mics and handed the drummer his drumsticks. He smiled and took them from me, adjusting his headset and getting ready to head out with the others. They walked out, got set up, and the lights came back up. They played their set beautifully, and so did the next group. I watched as they started the countdown for the band. The excitement in the air rose with every passing minute. People ran around the stage, getting everything set up. I ran out under the cover of the lights and slipped onto the stage. I grabbed an extra microphone and brought it to the back with me. 

When the countdown hit zero, the whole arena erupted in shouts and cheers. When the lights turned on and they started playing Vegas Lights, the crowd screamed louder. Dad had a smile on his face while he danced around on stage, singing. The crowd shouted the words with him and his smile grew. He glanced back at me and I smiled back. I was ready to go on stage and do something again. I hadn't actually been on the stage ever. The first show, I just watched from backstage. Then we were in the accident. . . . After Vegas Lights, the light brightened just a little bit and Dad started talking. 

"How are you tonight, Toronto?" he asked into his microphone. The crowd screamed in reply, and Dad laughed. "That's amazing! Wow. Okay, who likes surprises?" More screams. "Great! So we have a little surprise for you tonight. Are we ready?" The crowd screamed again. "Alright, come on out!" Dad called, turning towards the backstage area and looking at me, smiling.

"Did you really just call me 'little'?" I asked into my microphone after I turned it on. People screamed, and I laughed. "Hi, everyone! Wow, there's a lot of people here. You guys are all so amazing. Thanks for coming out, and enjoy the show!" I smiled at everyone and they clapped and cheered. Then we launched right into the next song. I jump around onstage with Dad and Dallon and Kenny and the crowd screamed the lyrics with Dad. After the song was over, Dad stopped Spencer from starting the next one.

"Who wants to hear Rilynn sing with me?" My eyes widened as the crowd screamed. They wanted to hear me sing. . . .

"Are you sure? I'm not very good," I said shyly into my microphone. The crowd screamed their reply.

"Come on, Ri," Dad laughed. "Give 'em what they want." I sighed and nodded at Spencer and Dallon, who started the next song. I started singing, because I knew the song well, and everyone was screaming. Dad beamed at me and lifted me up into his arms as we kept singing together.

After the show came to an end, we waved to the crowd as we exited the stage. I sat on Dad's shoulders as we walked back to the dressing room.

"How do you feel, Rilynn?" Dad asked.

"I feel fine," I replied, smiling. 

"Nothing hurts?" Dad asked.

"Nope," I replied. He nodded and we went back to the dressing room. When we got there, Dad bent forward and I fell off his shoulders onto the small sofa, landing on Spencer. I giggled and Spencer tickled me, laughing. "Spencer! Stop!" I squealed while I laughed. Eventually, we had to pack up so that the arena staff could start loading the bus. Afterwards, we sat and talked for awhile before walking out to the bus. 

Outside, there were so many people behind the barricade. The people in the first few rows tried to lean over to barricade to touch us. I stuck close to Dad. He smiled at all the fans and stopped to sign a few things and take some pictures along the way. I stayed away from all the people. They made me nervous. Being on stage was different. On the stage, the people couldn't get to you. There were barricades and security holding them back. Out here, there was just a small barrier. Anyone could get over it. So whenever Dad walked forward to talk to some of the fans, Zack would step forward and stand close to me. When we got to the bus, it was late and I was ready for bed. I changed and went to lay down in my bunk. Everyone else stayed up for a bit. They must have thought that I fell asleep, because they started arguing.

"Spencer, I've smelled alcohol on your breath for four days straight," Dad said. "You need to tone it down. Don't forget that we have Rilynn with us now. I wasn't going to say anything about it because you're your own person and we're all adults that drink here. But I can't have you drinking so much when my daughter is with us."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I heard Spencer counter.

"Spence, you have a problem," Dallon jumped in. "It may be just alcohol now, but it will turn into drugs and anything you can get your hands on if you don't do something about it."

"Spencer, if you need to leave the band to get your shit together, then do it," Dad said. "After this tour. When we get home, we can talk to Pete. We want what's best for all of us. If you need to leave the band and be away from it all to get help and get better, then leave. We can find someone to take your place. And if you get better and decide you want to come back, we can find a way to make it happen."

They argued more. Spencer kept telling them he didn't need help, that he didn't want to leave. I found myself back home, listening to my foster parents scream at each other from my bedroom upstairs. I hid my head under my pillow and let my tears collect on the sheet. I tried to tell myself that I was okay. I was on the tour bus with my dad. I wasn't back at the foster home. I wasn't going to get in trouble. Dad wasn't going to hit me for no reason. I was okay. But I didn't believe it. My mind tried to convince me that I was going to be abused. When I heard them say they should go to bed, I held really still and made it appear that I was asleep.

*Guys, this book is coming to a close and I'm so proud of myself. This will be my second book ever in my history on Wattpad to be completed and be something I'm proud of. I hoped you've enjoyed this book and will keep your eye out for the next book in the series :) See y'all in the next chapter!

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