Chapter 12

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Brendon seemed so upset when I told him about Rilynn. He thought it was all his fault. I told him to go back to sleep while I went to get something to eat and check up on the others again. I went to see Spencer first. He was still unconscious when I got there, but I sat and talked to him for a little while. I knew he wouldn't answer, but I thought he would like to have someone there. His parents couldn't get down to see him. He wasn't married, he didn't have a girlfriend, no kids. No one except the band. And Breezy and I. 

After I sat with Spencer for a little bit, I stopped by to see Zack. He was doing better since I saw him last night. I sat and talked to him about Brendon for awhile before he insisted I go back to Brendon, in case the doctors came with news about Rilynn. So I left and went to see Dallon and Breezy.

"Hey, Sarah," Breezy smiled. Amelie and Knox sat on the bed with Dallon while Breezy sat in the chair holding his hand.

"Hey, how's Brendon?" Dallon asked.

"Awake," I smiled. "I made him take a nap while I went to see Spencer. He should still be sleeping, but I doubt he is. You know Brendon. He won't want to sleep while he knows Spencer is unconscious and Rilynn is in surgery."

"How's Spencer doing? Is he still unconscious?" Dallon asked.

"Yeah," I sighed. "I went and sat with him for a while before stopping to see Zack on my way here. Zack is doing better than he was last night, which is great. He says he's not in as much pain as he was last night."

"That's good," Dallon breathes. "Have you heard anything else about Rilynn?" 

I shook my head. "Nothing yet." I but my lip and tried not to cry.

"She'll be okay," Breezy said.

"But how can we know?" I asked, tearing up. 

"Breezy," Dallon whispered. "Can you take the kids to get some breakfast? I'll talk to Sarah."

Breezy sighed before smiling at Dallon. She stood up and took Amelie and Knox out of the room, much to the two children's protest. Dallon patted the spot next to him on the bed.

"Dallon, I can't do this," I said.

"Sarah, you need to know what I saw," he said. "I know more than I cared to admit in front of Breezy." I sat down reluctantly and he told me everything. The crash, the rolling, Rilynn screaming. "I heard her screaming as the car was rolling. That's how I knew she was at least kind of okay. As soon as I couldn't hear her screaming, I knew something was wrong. The car rolled twice more before stopping suddenly. It took me a moment to realize what had happened. I was the only one left in the car. Everyone else was gone. 

"I'd managed to crawl out of the car and I made it my mission to find someone, anyone. After a few minutes, I heard Rilynn's voice. It was faint, but I could hear it. So I tried to find her. There was a large piece of metal in the path that the car had rolled. Her voice was coming from under it, and it sounded strained. I tried to move it, but I didn't have enough strength. My leg hurt like hell and I thought I'd hit my head, so I didn't exactly have very much strength. After a few tries, I checked to see how she was doing. I don't think she recognized me. I tried to talk to her but it was like she couldn't hear what I was saying. So I tried to move it again.

"Eventually she seemed to recognize me. And then she could hear me. She tried to move her fingers, but she couldn't. She told me she couldn't feel anything, her whole body was numb. She was scared. She wanted to know about everyone else, but I didn't know where anyone was, or how they were doing. I wanted to help her, but there was nothing I could do. I felt useless. I felt like it was my fault she was in so much pain, because I didn't have the strength to lift what was causing her pain off her. All I wanted was to help her, but I couldn't. And I still feel bad about it, but I realize, now that I'm not hyped up on adrenaline and pain, it wasn't my fault."

"Dal," I whispered.

"Sarah, I'm not going to tell you that Rilynn is going to be fine, because I don't know that," he said, laying a hand on my knee in support. "However, I do know that Rilynn is strong. I know she will fight her hardest. I know she will do whatever it takes to get out of this alive. But she might not be okay."

"I know," I whispered.

"I know that you know, Sarah, but you needed to hear it," he said. "You should get back to Brendon. They could come with news of Rilynn."

I smiled and kissed his cheek before standing up. "Thank you." I left the room and walked back to Brendon's room. When I got back, I wiped my eyes of any tears that may escape. I knocked to make sure he knew I was coming in before opening the door slowly. I stepped in and closed it behind me. Brendon was still asleep, so I sat next to him and held his hand. After a bit, the door opened and someone walked in. I looked up.

"Mrs. Urie?" he asked. I nodded, letting go of Brendon's hand and standing up. "I have news about your daughter."

"Can we step outside? I don't want to wake him," I whispered. He nodded and I followed him out into the hall, closing the door behind me.

"She's out of surgery and in recovery," he said. "Her injuries were extensive. Two bones in each of her legs were snapped in half, she had a large brain bleed that we had to take care of first thing. We think she could possibly be paralyzed from spinal damage, but we aren't sure yet. During surgery, her lung collapsed and her heart stopped, but we got it taken care of. The next few hours will tell us everything and they'll be the most important. We'll watch her closely. If you would like to see her, I can take you, but she hasn't woken up from anesthesia yet."

"Yeah, just let me grab something," I said. I walked back into Brendon's room to see he was waking up.

"Where did you go?" He asked.

"I went to see the others," I said. "They said Rilynn's out of surgery, so I'm going to go see her. I'll be back and tell you how everyone's doing." I kissed him before grabbing my purse and walking out of the room. I followed the doctor to Rilynn. He slid open the door and let me walk in. He checked her vitals and made sure she was doing okay before leaving me with her. I sat in the chair and held her hand, crying. How could this have happened? Everything was perfect with Rilynn in our life, and now it wasn't. Now she might not live through this. And even if she does, she might be paralyzed. She might never live a normal life again. She may never be able to go to the park and run and play and climb. She may never be able to play music again. 

I spent about two hours there before going back to Brendon. I opened the door and stepped inside. Brendon was awake watching TV. I smiled and sat down in the chair next to the bed. He looked at me and turned down the TV.

"How is she?" he asked.

"Not great," I sighed. "She isn't awake yet and they think she may be paralyzed, but they won't know for a few more hours. Bren, I don't know what we're going to do if she is paralyzed. She'll be heartbroken. She won't be able to be a normal kid and do normal kid things. She won't be able to play ever again. She'll be stuck in a wheelchair needing someone to take her everywhere for the rest of her life."

"Sarah, it'll be okay," he sighed. "We'll find a way through it."

*So just to let y'all know, the next set of chapters will be extremely emotional. I won't tell you anything other than that because that'd give it away. Let's just say, I about brought my two best friends to tears when I was reading the chapters to them. This is an extremely long arch, and I'm sorry for this :') As far as I know right now, I have plans to move on when I get to chapter 21. The draft for 20 is almost completed and it's still in the arch, but I plan to move on to something different at chapter 21 or 22. I'm not completely sure yet. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this new chapter and I'll try to get another one out soon. 

Peace out for now.


A <3

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