Chapter 27

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It turned out that Rilynn only had a pinched nerve in her lower back, which the doctors said was an easy fix. They said they didn't even have to take her to surgery. We don't know how they did it, but she got to leave the next day. We went back to the hotel and hung out there so that's Rilynn could take it easy before the concert that night.

At the concert, Rilynn and Sarah stood in a sectioned off, private area so they wouldn't be trampled by fans. I kept smiling over at them as we performed and the crowd screamed. Rilynn looked so happy and at home. I could tell she needed this. She needed to come back to touring with us. The tour was nearly over, but she needed to be part of the last bit. 

"Before we start this next song, I want to bring a special someone onstage with us," I called out to the crowd through my microphone. I looked at Rilynn and smiled, motioning for her to join us. Her eyes widened and she shook her head. I sighed and walked over to the side of the stage, handing my microphone to one of the sound tech and hopping down. I walked over and took her hand. "It's okay," I whispered. "We'll be there the whole time." She nodded and walked with me. When we reached the stage, Dallon walked over and held out his hand. I lifted her up and he helped her get up on the stage before I followed behind her. I took my microphone back and smiled at Rilynn and she stuck close to my side.

"This next song is dedicated my beautiful daughter, Rilynn," I said, still grinning. "She's the best thing that could have happened to my wife and I. When we first met her, she was just this shy little girl that needed the love of a family. Now she's here with us and I couldn't be happier." I hugged her to my side and she smiled up at me. 

I tried not to cry as I looked into her bright blue eyes and realized how truly lucky I was to have my family. I had Sarah, who reminded me I was an adult and I had to be responsible. I had Rilynn, who reminded me I didn't just have myself to worry about. Rilynn also reminded me it's okay to be childish sometimes. The band reminded me that I was still young, and I had a lot of life left to live. The fans reminded me that I was important to the world, that people really cared. They all worked together in my life, whether they knew it or not. 

The band started playing Casual Affair, and the crowd roared with the sound of screaming fans. Rilynn's eyes lit up and she looked out at all the people. I picked her up and held her on my hip as I sang, swaying with her to the beat. She started singing quietly, and I nodded to the microphone. She shook her head and rested her head on my shoulder. I didn't jump around like I usually would. Rilynn just laid her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my neck, singing softly in my ear while I sang into the microphone. The crowd sang along and I felt something wet hit my shoulder. When the song ended, the lights dimmed and the crowd cheered. When the lights came back on, I hugged Rilynn tightly and she cried.

"I love you, Dad," she whispered. I felt my heart just melt, and tears fell from my eyes.

"I love you too, baby girl."

The rest of the show went off without a hitch. Everything went perfectly, and Sarah and Rilynn had a blast watching safely on the side. I wanted my family to be safe, and they were. After the show, Sarah and Rilynn met us backstage and we hung out while the crowd thinned. Then we packed everything up and took it out to the bus. I held Rilynn's hand while Sarah held her other. I couldn't help but smile the whole time. Rilynn put a happiness in my life that I hadn't felt before. My parents called it parenthood. They said that they had felt the same way when I was growing up. I didn't care. All I cared about was Rilynn. She was my entire life now.

We were walking back to grab the last few things from the dressing room when the press swarmed us. I pulled Rilynn close to me and tried to shield her from all the flashing lights and microphones being shoved in her face. Reporters were shouting questions at us and shoving their microphones and cameras at Rilynn. She gripped my arm tightly and tried to hide her face in my jacket. I took it off and draped it over her shoulders, trying to hide her face from the reporters.

"Zack!" I yelled back towards where he was helping load the bus. He looked up and came jogging over. He pushed through the reporters behind us and shielded us the best he could. I pulled Sarah close to my side and shoved Rilynn in front of us, so that she was shielded on both sides.

"Move aside!" Zack yelled at the reporters. "Clear a path, please! Coming through!" He reached back behind him and Rilynn grabbed his hand. He used the other to push through the crowd of reporters. He shoved them aside and we pushed our way through the crowd. One moment I saw Rilynn holding on to Zack's hand, walking in front of me through the crowd. Next moment, some of the reporters cut Sarah and I off from the other two. I held Sarah close and reached for Rilynn's other hand, but it disappeared in the crowd of people before I could grab a hold of her. There was a shriek and the reporters turned. I couldn't see over their heads and cameras and boom mics.

"Brendon, what was that?" Sarah asked, looking at me with fear in her eyes.

"Zack!" I yelled. "Zack, what's going on!" There was no answer. I grabbed Sarah's hand tightly and we pushed our way through the crowd. Zack and Rilynn were nowhere to be found. We ran back inside the venue building through the back door so that we couldn't be followed, and rushed back to the dressing room. We'd hoped that Zack had taken Rilynn there to wait for us, but neither was anywhere to be seen.

"Rilynn!" Sarah yelled, melting onto the floor. "Brendon, where is she?" She was in tears. That's when I noticed my cheeks were wet too.

"I don't know, Sarah," I said, falling next to her. I sat back on my heels and held Sarah as we both cried. When Dallon walked in and found us there, Rilynn nowhere in sight, he pulled out his phone.

"Dammit!" he yelled, throwing his phone on the couch. "Rilynn isn't answering her phone. Neither is Zack. Brendon, man, what happened?"

"We we're coming back from taking stuff out to the bus for Zack and the rest of the staff to load," I explained, still holding a crying Sarah to my chest. "We were ambushed by the press. They were shoving microphones and cameras in Rilynn's face, shouting questions at her. I pulled my hoodie over her and put the hood up so that they couldn't get any more pictures of her face. She was so scared, Dallon. I called Zack over and he was trying to push us all through the crowd, but we got separated. We heard her scream, and we don't know what happened. She's gone, Dallon, and I don't know what to do." I was crying almost as hard as Sarah now. My baby girl was gone, and I didn't know what to do.

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