Chapter 7

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The day we left for tour came quickly, seeing as it was only a few days away from when Rilynn decided to come with us. We loaded our bags in the car and Sarah took us to the airport, where we were meeting Dallon and Spencer. When we got to the airport, I took our bags and Sarah took Rilynn's hand. Rilynn held her stuffed animal close. I wondered to myself why she carried it so closely all the time. When we reached the others in the little cafe by our gate, Dallon picked up Rilynn and spun her around. She laughed and hugged him. When he put her down, she hugged Spencer and then quickly ended up by my side, her stuffed animal still clutched tightly in her arms.

I grabbed a coffee and we said our goodbyes before heading for our gate. Rilynn stayed close to me the entire time. I held her hand with my free hand, my other holding a cup of coffee. Our bags had been dropped off already, and we were boarding our plane. We made it to our first class seats and I gave Rilynn the window seat. The way the plane was set up, two other seats sat in front of us, facing towards us. Dallon and Spencer sat in those seats. Rilynn looked nervous as the plane got prepared for take off.

"Have you been on a plane before?" I asked, putting a hand gently on her shoulder. She looked at me and shook her head. "Don't worry, you'll be okay."

The plane took off and Rilynn stared out the window in awe. Eventually she started a movie and I talked with Dallon and Spencer. When the blinking red light to buckle our seatbelts flashed, Rilynn looked up, her eyes wide. The plane started shaking and I held her hand.

"It's okay, just a little turbulence," I reassured her. She held my hand and nodded. I helped her buckle her seatbelt and held her hand while the turbulence passed. It persisted, and the pilot came over the intercom.

"This is your captain speaking. It appears one of our engines blew a fuse, so we will be making an emergency landing. Please do not panic, we have everything under control." I felt Rilynn squeeze my hand tighter. I could tell she was terrified.


The plane. The spiral. Mommy! Mommy isn't here! Where did she go? Mommy? Daddy, I'm scared! Daddy, where's Mommy? Daddy, don't leave me! Daddy? Where did you go? Daddy! Daddy, you can't leave me! Mommy, come back! Daddy! Crash. Trees. Field. The plane... The plane went down. Mommy? Daddy? Mommy! Daddy!

I screamed. I opened my eyes and I was screaming. My cheeks were wet. I was crying. I looked across from me and saw Dallon and Spencer, leaning forward. Their faces showed their terror. Brendon was next to me, telling me it was okay, that I was safe. The plane was still bumping along. I was still crying when the plane made its emergency landing. I clung to Brendon as we exited the plane and entered the airport.

He sat me down on a chair, Dallon and Spencer on either side of me. Brendon bent down in front of me.

"What happened, Rilynn?" He asked, worry thick in his voice.

"My parents..." I whispered. 

"Your foster parents?" He asked. I shook my head.

"My mom and dad... I remember how they died..." I looked at my knees and tried not to cry.

"It's okay, Ri," he whispered, hugging me. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"We were in a plane crash. . . I was there. . . They were thrown off the plane. . . I was stuck. My seatbelt had been tangled up and I got stuck to my seat. I was one of the only survivors. I was only two. . . ." I hugged Brendon tightly and cried a little bit. "The plane scared me, Dad. It reminded me of the crash." I'd said Dad. I'd let it slip, but I'd still said it. 

"You're safe," he whispered. "Nothing is ever going to happen to you. I promise."

Brendon called Sarah and told her what had happened. He'd mentioned my fear of planes, and why I had it. But he assured her I was fine. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but the noise coming from his cell phone's speaker made it sound like Sarah was nervous. I could feel myself on the brink of a panic attack. My chest was tightening and I was having trouble breathing. I felt dizzy. But I couldn't tell anyone. I couldn't worry them. We were almost to the sight of the first show. I couldn't blow it now.

Brendon got off the phone with Sarah and sat down next to me. He told me she would call later, when we landed in Magna, to see how we were doing. We were waiting for our flight when we were approached by a group of three girls and two adults. The girls were giggling and smiling excitedly. The two adults, a man and woman, spoke first.

"Hi, sorry to bother you, but I'm Julie and this is my husband, Mike. We are currently waiting for our plane to be fixed. We're on our way to Magna to see your show, and our daughter and her friends noticed you sitting here and wanted to come and say hi."

"Hello, Julie, Mike," Brendon said, shaking their hands. He smiled at the three girls.

"Hi, Brendon," one of the girls managed to squeak out. "My name is Emma. These are my friends, Miah and Rowan. We're huge fans! Can we get a picture?"

"Sure thing, girls!" Brendon smiled. They got a couple pictures with just Brendon, then some with Dallon and Spencer too. Then they asked me to join them. I stood up, still dizzy, and made my way over. I tried to hide the fact that I was dizzy and it was hard to breathe. We took a few pictures and then they walked away, smiling. Brendon picked me up and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Are you having a panic attack?" he whispered so only I could hear. I nodded into his shoulder and took deep breaths, trying to calm myself. "Dallon, can you go grab her a drink?" 

When Dallon came back with a bottle of water, I drank some of it while Brendon held me in his lap. I tried to breathe and Dallon and Spencer watched me helplessly. I'd finally felt better when they called for us to board a new plane. We got on, and I was terrified. Brendon held me closely to his side and we sat in our seats. This plane was almost exactly like the one we'd been on. Dallon and Spencer's seats faced ours. The plane took off and it was a smooth ride the rest of the way to Magna.

*I'm going to see Panic! perform this Friday :) I am SOOOOOO excited! I've honestly been counting the days since I found out I was going in late May :) I've done as much as possible to prepare. I've listened to every song more times than probably necessary, but that's okay, right? And I got a PFTW shirt at Hot Topic a few days after we got the tickets and I haven't worn it yet because I've been too excited :') I know I have a problem, but I wasn't really as prepared as I'd have liked when I saw FOB. I think I may have over-prepared this time, but oh well, right? Anyways, I'll stop now :') And I have SEVERAL drafts written, I've just been too lazy to edit them :')

Wish me luck,

A <3

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