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"no! hell no!" yoongi protested.

"but why not?" taehyung pouted. the younger's cousin needed a place to stay, but yoongi was being his usual, stubborn self.

"he's a kid. i don't want to babysit him when he should be paying rent," the older grumbled while kicking his feet up on the table. he definitely didn't want some kid moping around his house, acting all pitiful. he knew how teenagers were, he was one himself at one point.

"yoongi-hyung, he needs somewhere to stay. he doesn't have anywhere to go, and he's not a kid. he's 18." taehyung plopped next to him on the couch, twisting the cap off the water bottle. "please, hyung."

"namjoon doesn't have room?" yoongi stole the water, taking a sip while raising an eyebrow.

taehyung shook his head, his blond hair falling in front of his eyes. "nope," he answered. "neither does hoseok."

the blond groaned and tossed his head back. "let me meet him first so i can make sure he's not a punk." yoongi knew that taehyung wouldn't stop pestering him until he gave in or made some sign of letting his cousin move in.

"thank you so much, hyungie!" taehyung nearly jumped out of his seat from excitement. "jeongguk's gonna love you!"


"Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du"

jeongguk danced and sang along to black pink as he packed his bags and various boxes. his cousin taehyung told him one of his friends, yoongi, was going to let him stay with him.

he was thrilled that he was moving out of his parents house and going to college in a different city. he felt that he needed a change of scenery and some new friends.

taehyung told jeongguk that his friend hoseok was a professional dancer, and he'd be glad to help him improve, and of course there was yoongi. jeongguk had a feeling he'd get along with his new roommate quite well.

as the young boy spun in a circle, he tripped over a box and fell onto his back. he stared up at the ceiling of his bedroom and laughed. he slowly stood up and continued his packing, pumped for what laid ahead.

heyy, i'm maddy. i don't own any of bts, only the characters i've created on my own time. also, i'm trying to use jeongguk instead of jungkook, so if you see that i've done otherwise, or made any other mistakes, please let me know. thank you :)

oneeee more thing, yoongi and jeongguk's ages are 22 and 18, respectively.


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