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three years later

it was mid may, and jeongguk stood in front of the headstone, holding a small bouquet of assorted flowers. yoongi stood behind him with his arms wrapped around him from behind, his hair now blond. the older's head was resting on jeongguk's shoulder, and sad smile on his face.

"i can't believe it's already been five years..." jeongguk sighed. the cherry red haired boy pulled away from his boyfriend, moving closer to the grave so he could place the flowers down. he sat in front of it, slightly tearing up.

yoongi strolled over to a nearby bench, wanting to give jeongguk some space and privacy. he watched from the sidelines with his chin resting on his hand. jeongguk insisted on stopping by, even though he had a concert the next day.

yoongi smiled softly as he watched jeongguk's lips move slightly. he couldn't hear the boy speaking, but he knew he was telling dohyun everything that had happened in the past year. jeongguk came here every year on the day dohyun passed away, talking to him like nothing had changed. this is the first year, however, yoongi had came with him.

after a while, jeongguk stood up and dusted off his ripped jeans. he walked back over to yoongi and sat next to him, a red tint around his eyes. the latter took jeongguk's hand, kissing it softly. "you okay?"

jeongguk nodded slightly and took a deep breath. "yeah. yeah, i'm good."

the two stood up and yoongi pouted. "i'm never going to get over the fact that you're taller than me now. we used to be almost the same height."

jeongguk laughed quietly and kissed yoongi's forehead. "you're cute"

the older lightly hit jeongguk's chest, wrinkles forming on his forehead from his pout deepening. "i'm not cute. you're the cute one in this relationship."

"whatever you say, baby."


yoongi held jeongguk's face gently, looking him in the eyes. "you got this, okay? you've been doing it for months."

"i know, but this song, i wrote it specifically for you guys. i want it to be perfect." jeongguk wiped the forming sweat off of his forehead, most of it from being nervous.

"we were in this exact situation three and a half years ago. and look where it got you. here. you're going to be perfect. i know because i've watched you do this a hundred times. i believe in you, okay? i love you." yoongi pecked jeongguk's lips quickly.

"i love you more." jeongguk smiled and adjusted his mic. it was as if the nerves magically disappeared. he jogged onto center stage, stepping on a slightly raised platform. the circular piece slowly started to spin when the music began playing. when jeongguk's voice filled the concert hall, everyone went silent, taking in the sweet sound. he sang with so much passion in his voice, that no one could miss it. after about a minute into the beautiful melody, the captivating footwork began. jeongguk moved with such grace and passion.

yoongi grinned from off stage, proud of what his boyfriend has accomplished. he's worked so hard to get where he's at, and yoongi wanted to be by his side through it all. he reached in his pocket and felt the velvety box that held the simple ring. he's had it for a while now, but he wanted to wait until the right moment. he had a feeling though, that after jeongguk's first performance of begin, it would be the perfect moment.

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