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july was coming to an end, and jeongguk's classes were going to start in a few weeks. just to be cautious, he was making sure that all of his classes were sorted out. he chose to major in dance, even though his parents weren't too fond of the idea. they wanted him to become a lawyer, doctor, or something like that. you know, the typical dream parents have for their children.

jeongguk looked up when he heard the door open, seeing yoongi walk in with a tired look on his face.

"rough day at work, hyung?"

"yeah... it was just managers and producers putting pressure on namjoon and me all day." yoongi sat next to the younger, laying his head against the back of the couch.

"oh, i'm sorry. how about we watch some movies once i'm done?" jeongguk smiled warmly up at the older.

yoongi smiled "that sounds great. what are you doing anyways?" he leaned closer and looked at the laptop screen.

jeongguk turned his head too, sighing. "trying to sort everything out for college. if i'm being honest, i'm terrified."

"don't be. yeah, it'll be tough, but it's worth it in the end. even with the student debt." yoongi chuckled quietly, resting his arm on the couch behind jeongguk. "and you were at the top of your class too, weren't you?"

"y-yeah.." jeongguk leaned into yoongi's side. "i just hope i don't get too stressed. i tend to get stressed out easily."

"that's okay. we all have our moments." yoongi ran his fingers through jeongguk's hair, trying to get him to relax. "and i'm here if you ever need to vent."'

jeongguk sighed and closed his eyes. "thanks, hyung."

"mhm," yoongi hummed, kissing the top of jeongguk's head.

the latter suddenly stood up, saying, "let's get this movie marathon started. you stay here." jeongguk smiled before running off to retrieve blankets. when he came back, his foot got caught on a blanket. the boy tripped and ended up falling... into yoongi's lap.

they both sat there for a moment, unsure of what to do, before yoongi rested his hand on jeongguk's back. "you okay?" he smiled slightly.

"y-yeah," jeongguk whispered as he turned his head toward the older. their faces were only a couple inches apart.

looking down at the brunette's lips and leaning slightly closer, yoongi said quietly, "can i?"

jeongguk nodded once, cupping yoongi's face as their lips met. their lips molded together perfectly. yoongi's lips were soft, but jeongguk's were rough and chapped because of how much he chewed and bit them. it didn't last long though. jeongguk pulled away slowly, looking down at the little space between them.

yoongi pulled his hand away from jeongguk's back, leaning back. "i-i'm sorry.. i shouldn't have done that."

the younger didn't say anything, he only stood and stalked off to his bedroom.

"wait-" yoongi tried to follow him, but jeongguk shut the door before yoongi could reach him.

ugh i re-wrote this chapter so many times and it still doesn't seem right, but i think this is as good as it's gonna get

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