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jeongguk was laying on the sofa in yoongi's studio with his laptop on his chest. he was finishing up some assignments for school. he let out a long groan, rubbing his face.

"what's wrong?" yoongi spun the chair around so he was facing him.

"i need to find a song to use in dance, but nothing seems right. this is also the song i'm performing with at our first recital. all by myself." the younger sat up, setting his laptop aside.

yoongi hummed, tilting his head back. "i could help out, i suppose."

"how?" jeongguk tilted his head.

"well, i produce music for a living, so maybe i could write something special for you," yoongi suggested

"really? you'd do that?" the younger's eyebrows shot up.

yoongi moved next to jeongguk, resting his arm against the back of the couch. "of course, if it means helping you."

"thank you." jeongguk glanced down yoongi's lips before returning his gaze to his eyes.

yoongi kissed jeongguk softly, pulling him closer. jeongguk swung his leg over yoongi, now straddling his lap. the kiss quickly went from soft and sweet to heated and passionate. the brunette tangled his fingers in yoongi's black locks while the latter slid his hands underneath jeongguk's hoodie, his cool hands grabbing hold of his hips.

jeongguk pulled away and gasped quietly at his touch. yoongi smirked, trailing kisses down jeongguk's neck. the two pressed closer to each other, leaving no space between. yoongi decided to lay jeongguk down on the small couch, hovering over him. he looked into the younger's eyes, love and affection the only thing present.

"i love you so much," he whispered. "i really do."

"i love you too, yoongi." jeongguk held his face, running his thumb over his cheek bone. he pulled him closer, their lips meeting in yet another fervent kiss.

they were like that for the next few minutes, hands and lips roaming, before someone knocked on the door. the boys pulled away quickly and fixed their hair and clothes, their lips swollen from the make-out session.

"just a second," yoongi snapped. he stood up, making sure to give jeongguk one last peck on the lips. he opened the door, an annoyed look on his face. "what do you want?"

namjoon rolled his eyes playfully, his honey blond hair falling into his eyes. "sorry for interrupting, but don't forget about that meeting in an hour. it's one you can't miss. definitely more important than this one." the older looked over at jeongguk who was still on the couch, looking like a mess, and winked. "have fun." he patted yoongi on the shoulder before leaving, a content look on his face.

"i hate him sometimes." yoongi shut the door, looking very annoyed.

"whatever. no one could ever hate namjoon." jeongguk laid back on the couch, stretching his limbs.

yoongi moved on top of jeongguk, straddling his hips. "you're right. but forget about that, let's finish what we started."

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