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"i'm so nervous. i'm gonna screw something up, i know i will." jeongguk pouted, looking over at yoongi who was in the driver's seat of the car. it was his first day of college, and you could say he was a little anxious.

"you will be fine, baby. i believe in you." yoongi smiled at him reassuringly, resting his hand on the other's thigh.

jeongguk took a deep breath and grabbed his bag, lifting it into his lap. he leaned over and kissed yoongi goodbye.

yoongi smiled into the kiss, slowly pulling away. "text me after your first class and tell me how it goes, alright?"

the brunette nodded before stepping out of the car. yoongi waved before pulling off, leaving the boy to find his way around.

when he got a little closer to the buildings on campus, he spotted taehyung and another boy with pink hair near a couple of benches.

he jogged to them, taehyung's eyes lighting up when he saw his cousin. "jeonggukie!" the two hugged quickly. "this is my friend jimin. i don't think you've met him yet."

"nope, i don't think so." jeongguk smiled, shaking jimin's hand. "nice to meet you, jimin."

"you too," jimin beamed, his eyes nearly disappearing from his smile.

taehyung slung his arms around both of the boys, moving in between them. "alright, kids, let's get you to your first class."

jimin shouted, "hey, i'm older than you!"

the boys laughed, jeongguk now a little bit more relaxed than before.


jeongguk was now sitting in a cozy little coffee shop with yoongi. the younger boy had been telling his partner all about his first day of school.

"and i just have so much work already, i know it's going to be difficult. the assignments and papers that are already due by the end of the week seem impossible. but at least i get to chose my classes and when i take them. that makes things a little easier. and i can sleep in and probably spend time with you." he continued to ramble on about jimin and taehyung and how he heard that hoseok might be helping with his dance classes.

others might get tired or annoyed of the boy talking so much about little things, but yoongi found it amusing. he loved listening to joengguk talk, whether it be about what he wanted for dinner that night or his deepest feelings.

yoongi loved him.

jeongguk slowly came to a stop once he realized yoongi was in a daze. "yoongi? you still there?"

he smiled, his gums showing. "i love you."

jeongguk's face went blank. his eyes searched yoongi's face, making sure he wasn't joking. "w-what?" he stuttered.

yoongi reached across the table, placing his hand over jeongguk's. "i, min yoongi, love you, jeon jeongguk. you don't have to say anything, but i felt like i needed to tell you."

the younger smiled shyly and fixated his stare to his lap, squeezing yoongi's hand gently. "i- i love you too, yoongi."


jeongguk slipped on the jean jacket yoongi had bought him a few weeks ago. they were getting ready to go out with all the guys to celebrate his first day of college, whether it was successful or not, they didn't care. he didn't really enjoy the fact that they were only going out for him, but he he was okay with spending more time with them. he felt the need to become closer with them considering he was related to taehyung and now dating yoongi.

"you ready to go?" yoongi knocked on the door frame, standing in the entrance to jeongguk's bedroom.

"yeah, but does this look okay?" jeongguk spun around in a slow circle, showing off his outfit.

yoongi stepped towards him, grabbing his hands. "you look gorgeous, babe." he stood on his toes and kissed the youngers forehead, the two being nearly the same height.

jeongguk smiled, lacing his fingers with yoongi's. "thanks."

the boys left and headed to a karaoke club on the other side of town. when they arrived, they were met with five other guys, namjoon, seokjin, hoseok, jimin, and taehyung. they said their hello's before taking a seat at a table in the back. the group chatted for a bit, catching up with one another.

"i told taehyung you guys would end up sooner or later, but he didn't believe me," hoseok claimed, ruining his fingers through his golden brown locks.

namjoon smiled, his dimples showing. "i'm happy yoongi found someone that makes him happy." he patted yoongi's shoulder.

taehyung stood up, pulling jimin and hoseok with him. "enough of the sappy love stuff, let's go sing some karaoke!"

they moved towards the front, but namjoon pulled jeongguk back away from everyone else. "hey, listen. i'm really sorry about what i did when we hung out a few weeks ago. i never really got the chance to apologize... i feel terrible because of it. taehyung didn't tell me everything, but he did say that you didn't like being around alcohol. so, because of that, i made sure we came to an alcohol free setting. i didn't want you to feel uncomfortable."

jeongguk had tears in his eyes. nobody had ever put that much thought into his personal feelings before. "thank you so much." he hugged namjoon tightly, burying his face in the older's shoulder.

the taller boy smiled and rubbed jeongguk's back before pulling away. "anything to make you feel safe. now let's go have some fun."

thank you so much for the votes and comments, it really means a lot and is a huge motivator for me💜

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