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jeongguk tossed and turned in his bed. he'd always had trouble sleeping, especially if it was somewhere he wasn't familiar with. he wanted to get up and walk around, like he always did at home, but he was afraid that it would disturb yoongi.

i'll just get some water.

the boy slowly climbed out of bed, making his way to the kitchen. he opened different cabinets, trying to find a cup. when he finally found something, he pulled it out, but it slipped from his hand and clattered onto the floor. his eyes widened, and he looked towards the hallway, scared he woke up yoongi. jeongguk slowly bent down, picking up the cup and brushing it off.

when he looked up again, he jumped slightly at the tired man standing in front of him.

"what the hell are you making so much noise for?" yoongi rubbed his eyes, taking his own cup and filling it with water.

"i-i-um i couldn't sleep so i got up to get something to d-drink and i dropped it and i'm s-sorry that i woke you up," jeongguk stammered, looking down at his feet and gripping the cup.

yoongi shook his head and took the glass from the younger, filling it up and handing it back to him. "don't be sorry. i wasn't even asleep. i've got trouble sleeping too, it's okay."

"r-really?" jeongguk lifted his head, bringing the glass of water to his lips.

"mhm. now let's watch a movie. that always helps me get to sleep," yoongi offered, gently hitting his arm before making his way to the couch. he sat down and pulled up netflix, scrolling through the selection.

jeongguk sat next to him, leaving plenty of space in between. he grabbed a blanket laying over the back of the couch, putting it over his legs.

about halfway through the movie, jeongguk had ended up closer to yoongi with his head on the older's shoulder. yoongi could hear soft snores coming from his lips, but he remained still. he didn't want to disturb the younger.

yoongi ended up wrapping his arm around jeongguk, pulling him closer. the youngest shifted until his head was resting comfortably on yoongi's chest.

yoongi fell asleep in that position, his head on jungkooks, and glow of the tv shining on their faces.


when jeongguk opened his eyes, it took him a while to realize his position. yoongi's arms were wrapped around him securely, and his head was on the older's chest. his first instinct was to jump and flee, but he didn't want to wake yoongi and throw both of them in an awkward position. instead he moved as slowly as he could, pulling himself away and putting the soft blanket over his hyung's shoulders.

once he made sure yoongi was settled, jeongguk made his way to the kitchen and started digging around, looking for something to eat. he found some eggs and vegetables in the refrigerator and a frying pan in one of the cabinets. when he finally figured out how to work yoongi's stove top, he started working on frying omelets for him and his new roommate.

jeongguk heard a groan come from the couch as he was putting the second omelet on a plate. looking over, he saw yoongi sitting up and rubbing his neck.

"i hope you're hungry. i made breakfast," jeongguk announced.

yoongi only gave him a slight nod, making his way to the bar in the kitchen and sitting on one of the stools. he grabbed a fork and poked at the omelette as if examining it. once he decided it was okay, he starting eating, mumbling a quiet thank you.

jeongguk sat next to him and began to eat as well. he was really hoping that the older didn't remember the two falling asleep last night. luckily, he didn't bring it up.

"when do you start working?" yoongi's deep morning voice was rough and scratchy, and jeongguk definitely noticed it.

"today actually." jeongguk glanced at the clock. it was currently 9 a.m. "in three hours."

"alright. i'll be ready when you are to take you." yoongi stood up and took his plate to the sink and started to clean in, not wanting any dirty dishes left.

the older left without another word and made his way to his room to get ready for the day. jeongguk cleaned up the mess he made, ready to conquer the day.


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