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yoongi opened his eyes to the bit of sunshine flowing into the room and also to a bare chest. he looked up and saw the sleeping face of jeongguk. yoongi thought he was handsome when sleeping too. his lips were parted and his head was rolled to the side, his hair a mess from sleeping. he looked so relaxed. yoongi smiled sleepily and put his head down on the younger's chest, listening to his heartbeat. it was slow and steady. he vaguely remembered pleading jeongguk to stay with him last night. he was thankful that he did. the little naps he and the brunette shared on the couch were the rare moments he actually slept. he was more relaxed around jeongguk, and he wasn't sure why. but he was okay with it.

as yoongi was softly tracing random patterns onto jeongguk's chest, the younger began to shift awake. jeongguk ran his fingers through yoongi's soft ebony locks before soothing them back down.

the latter smiled tiredly up at him and said softly, "good morning."

jeongguk returned the smile, kissing his forehead subtly. "morning."

yoongi put his head back down before jeongguk could see his cheeks turn red. he mumbled, "we should probably get up now."

"no, just a little bit longer," jeongguk whined, pulling the smaller boy closer.



jeongguk threw on a pair of ripped blue jeans and his favorite navy blue hoodie, even though it was pretty warm outside. he left his room and sat on the couch, patiently waiting for yoongi. the two were meeting up with taehyung and hoseok. jeongguk was still trying to get used to the big city of seoul, so the other boys were going to show him around some more.

dressed in faded jeans and a red and white stripped t-shirt, yoongi strolled into the living room. "ready? taehyung and hoseok are waiting at the mall."

"yup." jeongguk stood up and smiled warmly.

the duo left and headed to the mall. it took about fifteen minutes, but it didn't seem that long to either of them.

when they walked into the food court, they spotted taehyung and hoseok talking at a table. the two boys made their way over to them, saying hello. hoseok and yoongi gave each other a hug, which sparked an unknown feeling in jeongguk's stomach.

the boys walked around for a while, stopping at a few stores. they eventually stopped at a clothing store. taehyung ventured off to the pants while hoseok headed towards the tank tops. he liked to show off his toned arms. yoongi went to the long-sleeved t-shirts and flannels. jeongguk decided to stay close to yoongi since he had mixed feelings about shopping. his wardrobe was the all the same things from high school.

"this would look good on you." jeongguk picked up a blue flannel with white pattern on it.

"hmm.." yoongi took the shirt from jeongguk, looking it over. he slid it on over his shirt and looked in one of the mirrors hanging on the wall. "i like it." his gums showed as he smiled at jeongguk. it made butterflies erupt in his stomach. "now let's find you something." yoongi grabbed jeongguk's hand and went over the a rack of jackets.

"hyung.. i don't like shopping." the younger let out a quiet, forced laughed.

yoongi ignored the comment and picked up a bleached denim jacket before turning around and grabbing a graphic tee. he held them up and glanced back and forth between the clothes and jeongguk. "you'd rock this. go try it on." yoongi looked up at him with pleading eyes.

jeongguk sighed, unable to resist his pretty eyes. "fine. but only for you." he grabbed the jacket and shirt, heading into a dressing room. moments later, he came out. he was now faced with taehyung, hoseok, and yoongi. the youngest turned red and immediately spun around, hiding his face. "i look terrible. this isn't my style at all."

taehyung gently pulled on the boy's arm, turning him around. "you look fine, gguk. you just need to get used to it."

yoongi moved closer and gently placed his hands on the slightly taller boy's hips, subconsciously rubbing his thumbs into them soothingly. "yeah... you look great. i really like it." the older smiled at him warmly, slowly pulling his hands away.

jeongguk looked away and smiled shyly. "t-thank you, hyung."

"no problem. and it's on me. go ahead and go change." yoongi gently pushed him back into the dressing room.

once he was gone, hoseok turned to yoongi with one eyebrow raised. "what was that?"

"what was what?" yoongi shot back at him.

hoseok fake laughed. "you know what i'm talking about. taehyung and i both saw you getting touchy with jeongguk."

"yeah, i saw it," taehyung agreed, wiggling is eyebrows and making kissy faces.

yoongi's cheeks started to burn, so he turned his head to hide it. "pshh i have no idea what you're talking about." he tried to brush it off, but it didn't work.

"i've been your best friend for nearly four years, yoongi. i know it when i see it." hoseok gave his friend a knowing look before leaving them alone, heading to the check out.

the thing was, yoongi knew his friend was right.


joengguk fell back on to his bed, tired from his day spent with the other guys. he was scared to go to sleep, but he was exhausted. he stared up at the ceiling trying not to fall asleep, but he couldn't help it. he dozed off, only to be faced with what he hated the most.


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